Finally Friday

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Iwakeupat the same time every morning (4:30 am seven days a week :X). I know exactly when the alarm is about to ring that I can turn it off before it comes on. Getting up is the hard part. :p
I missed Heroes the TV show last week though. My VCR automatically switched to Day Light Savings time, and all the programs were recorded 1 hour later.

Hope you feel better Jim. And Happy Belated Birthday.

Hi guys :)

Today I spent my first full day home in almost two weeks. School is just killing me :faint:Now I'm at work and watching The Office...
Discovered I've got one more week of work with 16 hours. 16 hours is 16 hours, 16 more then orginally anticipated.

Uncle's brother-in-law passed away after a LONG battle with cancer. Everytime he wentinto remission he'd relapse with another kind. So it's ablessing.
My Friday was good - although I did get a very upset phone call from my best friend while up at the stables because she had gotten some bad news from the doc (she is really ill with kidney trouble:() so we spent the night in watching films to cheer her up.:)

It was the first time I've ever seen 'The ring 2'- I spent half the time hiding behind a pillow!:pWe also watched 'Poseidon', although I have to say what a cheep rip off of Titanic - and not nearly as good!;)

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