Film over Ivy's eye

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
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My Ivy had a case of pink eye yesterday and everyone on here told me to call a vet which I did but today it's got a film over it like you see in animals that have gone blind but the vet can't see him till next week what can I do?
Update? Did you call the vet and ask for over-the-phone assistance?
Do you mean the inside of the eye has gone cloudy? That I think would mean either an infection in the eye or a parasite like E. Cuniculi protazoa is in the eye. Your will probably need a really good rabbit vet or exotic vet for that. Not just a regular cat and dog vet.
Sorry everyone, it's been a while since I responded I did go see a vet and he gave me some meds for her eye he said she ppb scratched it or poked it with something and it got infected anyway I have been giving her meds twice a day right on her eye and I'm going to see him either 2morriw or the next day as a follow up but the last time I saw him he said it was looking pretty good
Ivy's eye is 100% perfect again and she couldn't be happier, she's now enjoying a long overdo run outside in her xpen
Great news! I'm so glad the antibiotics worked and you have a happy healthy bunny again :)