figured it out

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:shock::shock::shock:Forty-Two buns?! Dang! I canhardly keep up with my two! They're constantly on the go, go, go! Sendin some pictures really soon!

How are you going to find homes? Do you have enough cages?!

Hope all the babies are fairing well,

Update !

All babies are doingwell thriving fatand sassy lol

we finally figured outwhat happened to #12 when wefound # 11 caught up inthe cage wire grrrrrrrrrstruggling not to beat thehubby into a guilty pileof ooooozzzzeeee . I have him right nowre working all cages so it wonthappen again.

He will be buildingcages as we needthem right now i have mostall but the last 3litters spoken for . one lady comesand visits her baby regularlylol its sooo funnyshe thinks she isbeing sneaky but i have learnedto do a coat check beforeshe leaves , sillything triesto smuggle him out in her coatlol heres why !She has named himPiglette because of the 2 grey spots onhis nose . i keep telling her 4more weeks 4 moreweeks lol
42 kits! that's more than i have ever had at a time and all i can say is LUUUUUUUUKY, i am turning green!

sorry nicole, not making fun of you!
no worries im making fun of me too so everyoneelse can , i knew going into this there may be lots of babies but dangi sure wasnt prepared for the last 3 litters to come in all at oncelol,, Im working on my 4 th day of very liitle sleep between makingsure the mom Rabbits are taking care of the babies and the stupidfurnace going south on me its been hectic to say the least

My husband says i live for the stress and with out it i would not beable to function < lol but ya know seems like giving a stressfree environment once in a while might just be the challange i need lol
well will concider it when all babies are up and mobile >

I will post an update in a little while i have bunnies to tend and ohya maybe a little house work too ;l lol
while looking thru one of the nests checkingbabies i found this little guy at the near bottom of the pile , im notreal sure how i missed him the first time i thought the litter had 8babies but upon recount there is 9 these babies are 3 days old and asyou can see there is a huge difference in size .

his little ears are to the back of his head nearly onto his neckand his little eyes are bulging in the sockets , i was in tears when ifound this little guy it wasnt something i was prepared for , everyoneelse is normal size ,Like i told Carolyn im surprised there wsnt moreof these little penuts concidering what they came from still its soheart breaking . Hubby told me to make a decision for the baby but imnot sure i can right now , i know whats best for him but i havent theheart the what IF's are setting in really bad . can i get some inputand (SOB! )
Breathing deeply breathing deeply lol heres some more babies
Tasha's babies 2 1/2 weeks old
Oh, no!!! Poor gypsy. It must be such a harddecision, i guess you just have to do what's best for the sad to hear that something's going wrong. At least you'regiving 43 babies a good "temporary" home until you find them good ones.

Chin up! Gypsy!!! we're all here to support you whenever one of your (many) babies have a problem!

Lightnings : babies 8 days old
and getting bigger , we are now down to 10 babies as 2 escaped the nest and didnt survive the wire sides ,

Last but not least the Wild Hare
alhealthy and released into t he deep forest where hopefully he will havea chance at a wild bunnies life : boy can you have deep mixed emotionsabout releasing something , wow i wasnt prepared for the trauma ofrelease , but he was happy to hop off into the day . and i am happywith his recovery he sure left a mark lol
he is just coming into his spring colors , see banding on his front feet .. handsome little devil isnt he
Oh i bet you had a hard did the bestyou could. You're an amazing and caring person. Taking on all thosebuns. I'm sorry to hear that more casualties have happened, i'll besure to pray for you!

Thank You < it is so hard not to take each loss personally but i am learning to adapt ( i hope )

On a lighter note hubby was building cages today and he got to the3 rd one he asks me well how many more do you need me to make lol veryseriously i looked at him and said all of them , he rolled his eyes andsaid well get off to the feed store and get me more wire then lmbo

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