Well, I guess if I were to keep a ferret, this onewould be the one because it is so docile, and doesn't smell that I cantell, plus the price would be right, eh?
We believe it belongs to someone in the neighborhood, who is know tohave a ferret. Those people appear to be away at a funeral,hence we've had not contact with them, thought I left a message ontheir mailbox, and one is on there answering machine. It islikely that ferret will be with us until Sunday, at least, unless theycome home tomorrow.
Should it not be their ferret, we know a local waitress, with whom weshared our bunny stories and she, her ferret stories, whom we willapproach regarding what to do with it.
Didn't want to turn it over to police, because not sure whatwould happen to it. Didn"t want to call animal controlofficer, because we heard one not so nice story about him.Could be false, but if I have the chance to return Mr./Miss Ferret toowner, I would be more happy with that.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have eaten anything we have given itso far, kitten food, tuna, piece of apple and piece of beef from beefstew. I don't know that it has had any water, because it doeslike to tip the bowl. Put in water bottle, andcrockery "dutch shoe, " filled with water, that is heavy and difficultto tip. Do they like "softy" things to lie on?His/her cage is spartan, and probably not what he/she is used to, buthe/she would escape from any of our rabbit cages, I'm afraid.