First of all my (private) buns:
Left: Teddy
right: Pip
Also rescued, they were my first.
From then i was started searching for bunny's in need of help. Especially on the marketplaces on the internet. These 2 came from the latest search:
Left: Sjors
and right: wiet
I thought it's maybe an interesting thing to blog in this community
As info of my goal:
I search on the online marketplaces and search especially for free bunny's and why? Because these are mostly free to buy for the food of snakes, sick or not good cared for. What i do the first? The first time they would be separated until i really know what kind of illness or injuries they have and if they are healthy? They go to their "main" hutch. Theres an standard hutch with 2 levels. Its only to hold themselves warm and dry or to play in. Around this ive maded for all the hutches a xpen around the hutch with above and on the bottom some wires to protect them for predators and other rabbits. Where they live the rest of their lives. With a lot attention, giving the help they need and ofcourse good quality of food and life.
Left: Teddy

Also rescued, they were my first.

From then i was started searching for bunny's in need of help. Especially on the marketplaces on the internet. These 2 came from the latest search:
Left: Sjors

I thought it's maybe an interesting thing to blog in this community
As info of my goal:
I search on the online marketplaces and search especially for free bunny's and why? Because these are mostly free to buy for the food of snakes, sick or not good cared for. What i do the first? The first time they would be separated until i really know what kind of illness or injuries they have and if they are healthy? They go to their "main" hutch. Theres an standard hutch with 2 levels. Its only to hold themselves warm and dry or to play in. Around this ive maded for all the hutches a xpen around the hutch with above and on the bottom some wires to protect them for predators and other rabbits. Where they live the rest of their lives. With a lot attention, giving the help they need and ofcourse good quality of food and life.