Female mounting?!

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
Hello, my two albino bunnies were just outplaying on the sofa, as I was laying on it, and MaiMai(the lop) cameover to Milly (the lionhead) and mounted her, and started thrusting(for lack of a better word) much as a male rabbit would!:shock: But,they're both females! I'm completely confused, and as Millies muchsmaller, I feel sorry for her. They don't fight and they share the samehutch, they're sisters and are about 11 weeks old. Mai triedto do it twice, an only stopped when I picked her up and put her on thefloor. Whats going on? Is this normal behaivour for ayoungfemale rabbit?
Mounting is asign of dominance in both male and female rabbits. However, if I wereyou I'd make sure I was absolutely, positively, 110% certain that theyare indeed both females ;)
Is there a webpage on how to check which sexthey are? The breeder told me they were both female. Will she carry ondoing this throughout her whole life, or is it just a puberty thing?
I've got 2 boys, brothers and they started doingthe same thing after about 10 weeks. I had them neutered ASAP as it wasgetting quite ridiculous. (not to mention embarrasing when we hadvisitors!!!!)

They had the op 5 weeks ago now and are great, we're just in theprocess of bonding them as they had a bit of a falling out due tohormones!
I heard its best not to neuter/spay females? I'mcertain that they're both females because Mai has the same kind ofopening as Milly (thats sounds weird, but I don't know how to put it) Ihope she doesn't carry on mounting, it was quite a shock :?
This website shows how to sex rabbits:

It can be hard to properly sex rabbits and even experienced breederscan make mistakes. If you're not sure, take them in to a vetto be checked.

One of my girls is a mounter. She doesn't do it nearly asmuch now that she's spayed, except for when she was being bonded backto her sister.
queenadreena wrote:
I heard its best not to neuter/spay females? I'm certainthat they're both females because Mai has the same kind of opening asMilly (thats sounds weird, but I don't know how to put it) I hope shedoesn't carry on mounting, it was quite a shock :?
I've heard this more from UK sources, I don't know why. Maybeyour vets haven't caught on yet? Spaying is actuallyimportant for health reasons, as uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, andother uterine problems can be very common with adult rabbits.You need an experienced rabbit vet to do the operation, but good vetsshould rarely loose patients.
Years ago, it was thought that it wasunnecessary to neuter females, and was not recommended in the UK asthere weren't many rabbit savvy vets, so complications were more likelyduring a spay. However, over the past 10 years vet knowledge has comeon a great deal, and it is now realised that a female is better offbeing spayed due to the health risk of cancer, as well asimproving some behaviour problems.

How old are your girls? Spaying is riskier with older rabbits, and somevets may not do it in an older rabbit. The Rabbit Welfare Associationrecommend it, as you can see at


This may be useful in findind a vet able to help :)



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