Female Bun with leg problems being spayed

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Nelson, , New Zealand
Hi im going to be getting my female bun PePe spayed over the christmas break anyway at her last check up at the vet the vet said she has minimal nerves in her rear section. She consantly drags her legs, getting to the question will it be safe for her to be spayed and if so will the minimal nerves help her with the pain?

Thanks Heaps :)
Idon't know the answer, but presumably if she drags her legs then she must drag her tummy along the floor? that could cause infection, and at the least soreness with the spay scar/wound.

Does the vet think the legs will improve at all? (Have I remembered wrong, or is this the bun that Randy said would have EC, not meningitis?)
Can I also advise against spays where there will be a good few days when the vet is not available (i.e. over the Christmas Holidays, or close to Christmas)? Because if you need him, it would be extortionate at the best.

I also get any prebooked things (such as neuters or vaccinations)done at the beginning of the week so that if there are any problems there are a few days to play with if necessary.
Same person diffrent bun yes her tummy does drag, shes quite a lazy bun and literally spends at least half her day sleeping in the sun, the vet said that her legs would most probebly stay that way and maybe worsen and if so she would get a wheelchair. We know our vet personally and theyre not going away said they would have a week or so off but they live above the clinic and are always there in emergencys or if you feeling a bit suspect about a pet, or if you have any questions.

Thanks both of you
That was all me, lol. I think I'm only one person :p

It's good to know about the vets, thats one thing to remove out of the equation provided they are not going away for Christmas or anything.

I hope someone else can be useful, but if it was me, I would worry about her wound dragging and being aggravated.

I hope you get some decent advice :)
thanks heaps flashy, now you've brought up the dragging that is actually going to concern me quite alot maybe they could wrap the wound with some vet wrap hmm... I just really want her spayed as it reduces uterine cancer which is what my last girl died from.:(
Probably if you keep her on soft surfaces, get her antibiotics to prevent infection, and watch closely, she will be ok. Wrapping it would be a good idea, I just can't see it staying on more than the time it takes to chew it off. I know none of mine would put up with it.
thanks for that unless she employed fluff bun to chew it off then i dont think she could,coz i dont think she can actually reach that area as when grooms herself fluff will often do that area for her.

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