Feline Pine

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
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, New Hampshire, USA
I just read about a topic on here saying catlitter is bad for buns. My dad buys this pelleted litter called FelinePine. As the name says it is made of pine. When the pellet gets wet itlets go into small shavings. There has been controversy about pine notbeing good for small animals such as hamsters and mice. Do you think itis okay for me to use feline pine for Smudge?

how much does woodypet cost? My mom wasn't too thrilled about the idea of 9 dollars for a bag. Where can you find woodypet?

Also, if all doesn't go well and my mom doesn't want to help pay forthe litter, can I use aspen Shavings as well (Im saving all my money toget Smudge neutered, so I am trying not to spend any more money)
Woody Pet cost around 5 bucks for a 30 poundbag! You can check out their web sitewww.woodypet.com to see if anybodyaround you sells it. I got mine at a Tractor Supply store. The aspenwill work but you will confuse your rabbit if you keep changing litters.
Ehhhh unfortunately there are no locations closeto me unless I want to drive over 300 miles. Thank you though, nexttime I got to a pet store I will see if I can pick up some Yesterday'sNews
Don't accept the online information as gospel regarding local retailers. This company has a history of being quite accomodating to us here on the forum.

[font="Futura, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Contact Dave Ringland JR[/font]

[font="Futura, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]TOLL FREE: 1-888-535-9816[/font]

[font="Futura, Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif"]Toll FreeFax:1-888-535-9861

[font="Futura, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]email: [email protected]

[font="Futura, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday New York Time[/font]

If he can't find one in your back yard, the company might even deliver. One woman in the U.K lives too far from any dealer, so the WoodyPet Delivery Truck drops it at her homeafter the truck off loads from the cargo ship in the small quantity she needs for her few buns.

Another member from Canada lived near one of the two WoodyPet Canadian manufacturing facilities, with no retailers (or much else) around for hundreds of miles. WoodyPetdoorstop to doorstop deliveries to her.

Some of the places that carry it regularly include Tractor Supply Company, and Agway. I have also found it at local equestrian oriented tack shops,andlivestock feed outlets.

Those of us who use it are sorely pressed to recommend anything else after one considers all the factors of ease of use, lack of odor, biodegradable, cost, weight, etc.


Buck Jones wrote:
Don't accept the online information as gospel regardinglocal retailers. This company has a history of being quiteaccomodating to us here on the forum.
Dave Jr. made arrangements for me to pick up Woody Pet from awarehouse because there were no dealers in my area.

I figure the litter costs me less than$2.00 a month because it takes me threemonths to use up one bag.

Rainbows! :angel:

Thank you everyone for your help! I sent anemail to the company and they told me that the Blue Seal Feed store inmy town just got their first shipment. I went there today, asked for itand they had it for $5.49. They even asked me how I liked it since theyjust got it in, I told them I heard good things about it. I alreadylike it, it is more attractive, less messy, and it matches Smudge:angel:.

Thanks again :)
Smudge & Jess
For anybody who might wonder about this in the future...

"Feline Pine" has some off-brand knock-offs. If you've got a PetsMartin your area, look for "Exquisicat" pelleted pine litter. It's moreexpensive than Woody Pet, but cheaper than Feline Pine. If you've onlygot one rabbit & live in the city, the convenience of buyingExquisicat at PetsMart may very well outweigh the economy of buyingWoodyPet at a more rural location.

If you've got a feed store in your area (check the yellow pages of yourphone book... if there isn't anything under "feed", look under"stable", "horse", "riding lessons", etc... if you can find horses,chances are they can tell you where they buy their feed). Most feedstores, nowadays, stock some sort of pelleted pine bedding. It may notbe Woody Pet, exactly, but you can probably find something practicallyidentical for close to the same amount of money (I pay $4 for a 40lbbag of some nameless brand of pine pellets w/ the picture of a horse onthe bag for my ferrets).

As an added bonus, if you can find a place that sells horse bedding,you can probably find a place that sells hay. Horse hay isn't usuallyas nice as the "gourmet" rabbit hay like Oxbow or APD, but it's usuallybetter (and *much* cheaper) than the stuff you get at a pet store(KayTee, etc).

If you don't live terribly near a feed store or stable, check yourlocal hardware stores. If you live in the Northern US, chances are youcan find bags of "wood stove pellets" (at least in the fall/winter).Wood stove pellets are practically identical to Woody Pet, and close tothe same price... if you can find them, stock up during the winter.Just be sure to stay away from pellets that have "accelerants" added.Chemicals are bad. :(
Before I got Wood Pet Itried FireMaster Wood Stove Pellets. Itwas listed as 100% Pine Pellets, NoAdditives, No Chemicals, andsafe forpets. It sold for $4.00 for a40 lb. bag at Home Depot. Trouble was....it smelled so strong of Pine that the whole housereeked of it. I didn't think it would be safe forbunny to be sitting in it, and breathing it in.

I was worried about Woody Pet when I first got it too.Because I purchased 10 bags and put it in the car, the smellwas strong too. I drove home with the windowsdown. I believe that the batch was brand new thusgiving off the strong odor. Over time the Woody Petaired out and has a woody scent. :cool:

I'll have to look for a horse stable, and see if I can get some haythere. The store bought hay is expensive and has alot ofbrown and dried out hay in it.

Rainbows! :)
Malo Agway carries WoodyPets , I know the storeI workat does , Milford isnt all that far fromyou and I believe theres an Agwayin Nashua and Manchester.

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