Feeding to little?

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Plus luck, like the 90 year olds who are heavy smokers.

The original objection to pellets was that they were developed for those wanting rabbits bulked up for the dinner table. They obviously fed as many pellets as possible to the rabbits they were raising.

But the origin of something doesn't necessarily reflect on its utility. For example tape recorders were developed by Nazi Germany. That's not their problem, but the fact that tape is delicate.
LakeCondo wrote:
Plus luck, like the 90 year olds who are heavy smokers.

The original objection to pellets was that they were developed for those wanting rabbits bulked up for the dinner table. They obviously fed as many pellets as possible to the rabbits they were raising.

But the origin of something doesn't necessarily reflect on its utility. For example tape recorders were developed by Nazi Germany. That's not their problem, but the fact that tape is delicate.

Agree. Luck has a lot to do with life. Just don't understand, but then again, I guess I will some day when I walk that bridge myself whenever my luck runs out.

Anyway. back to Food.

My Rabbit Vet raised rabbits and I've been on other sites where rabbits are considered meat. Yes, the pellet was originally designed to get a bunny real fat as fast as possible for meat to sell for profit.

But many who raise rabbits for show, breeding and pets, who want to enhance the rabbit and love this animal for more than meat, found that these pellets could be utilized in a way to benefit the growth of that same type of rabbit into a healthy long existence.

Pellets are used in several ways.

I have found the blending of pellets, veggies and fruit also helps in this "luck" for our rabbits. The benefit of a variety of foods to help but not hurt the system of a rabbit would give my rabbits, all of them I consider my pets, a very good nutritional life.

I see the benefits of pellets. I will use them to benefit my bunnies which will never be at a dinner table. Though they do like sitting and laying under it. lol.

K :)
Exactly what Karen said. Pembrooke gets pellets with veggies and fruit as a treat. Fruit as a treat, veggies are part of her normal diet. Told to me by the SPCA vet, not directly "Pellets contain a crucial part in a rabbits diet that can not be supplemented by veggies and fruit." Many debates have gone on since forever on this topic. Each person is different and knows what their rabbit/s need.
Hope this helps!