Feeder Rabbits

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As Pam said, most snake owners can buy theirrabbits frozen from companies. There are a few companies that breedfeeders, and its actually a preferred way to buy a feeder for yoursnake. Since the animals are generally healthy, and parasite free, andalready dead, ect.

And, a lot of snake owners dont feed a lot of rabbits anyway. From whatI have learned, rats are the preferred and best choice for your snake.But they do outgrow them, so supplementing with rabbits can berecommended. I dont know if Ill ever feed my boa rabbits. I dont likerats, so it doesnt bother me, plus I order mine frozen, so its not thatbig a deal to just thaw one out. But, well I like rabbits. Even thoughwhen she's full grown I may have to supplement her with one onoccasion.

And, while I know some of you probably would never do it, its kind ofinteresting to watch a snake eat. I tend to leave mine alone, since shegets kinda upset if Im staring at her :)

And, dont forget, that there are a lot of other animals that eatrabbits in the wild. Most predators do. Just part of the food chain,and a part of life :)


and ps, its generally not a good idea to feed feeders from pet stores,unless you freeze it. They tend to be full of parasites and not alwaysfed the healthiest diet, so not all that good for your reptile, orwhatever
cirrustwi wrote:
Edit: I just saw Amy's post about people saying we could just feed miceto snakes, but can you even imagine how many mice it would have takenthat personto feedthat 250 lb python?
Haha I didnt even think of 250lb snake! :DI was just thinking of the little ones the people own as pets:D

Kricket wrote:
Ihave a question about 'feeder' rabbits. I hope to NOT upsetanyone, as I am simply curious. When someone feeds theirsnake or whatever a rabbit (or chicken, etc.) where do those rabbitscome from? Are they the least attractive of thelitter? Do people breed rabbits JUST to sell to pet stores asfeeders? Again, I hope I didn't make anyone sad, just socurious as to where these poor feeder rabbits come from.

Thanks! Hugs! Shorty, Star & Krick
Yes Kricket

Some people dobreed rabbits just for thereptile and meat trade , tho itis disgusting and Amoral it is anecessary evil , Animals no matter thebreed have to eat too , I havesnakes as most of you already know , BUT Idont feed my snakes rabbits , havingto feed them Rats is bad enough, But in my situation it needs tobe done , I got a call from oneof my Husbands Nephews the other day about taking 2large Burmese Pythons , ( i am afraid iam pejudice against that breed of snake ), I did concider ittill I asked whatthey had been feeding , and theanswer stopped me deadin my tracksand told them NO iwont do that because .

A) this means the lengthof the snake is enormouse over10 ft , and I wouldnever feed rabbit to a snake ,

B) in order to maintain body weight andhealth multiples would have tobe fed out .

NOT Happening in my rescue . Ihad him call a reputable Snake breederand let them deal with itrather than me .

Side note Burmese Pythons can reaschthe length os 20 ft fully grown , verydangerous snakes to keep in a household environment .

Amy you crack me upsometimes but whats not funnyis there are reptiles out therewho will NOT take somethingthey dont like the color of , smell of, etc .

If a reptile is only fed white ( whatever ) it willonly eat white , no matterhow hungrey , same with anyother color it is accustomed toeating, they will refuse till youactually getthe rightcolor .

Kricket I hope this helps , I knowits a digusting thought and anightmare to think about butunfortunately its all part of nature andhuman wants .
As to feeder rabbits:

I myself sell my "culls" as feeder rabbits. It's the only buyer closeto me (about 2.5 hours away) and it's the same one that Pam is talkingabout. I take as many as I can and sell them to other 4-Hers andbreeders; but to get good show rabbits you have to keep breeding forbetter traits. I can't just keep the same rabbits that would win asjuniors for three or four years and still have them winning as seniors,most of the time anyhow. Sometimes it's hard to do but you sort of cometo terms with it in the fact that...... you made them and now you haveto get rid of them if you can't use them. It just costs too much tokeep everything especially if it isn't worth it. We produce upwards ofthree hundred rabbits a year, which really isn't many, and right now Ionly have 25 breeders. I can only keep the best so that shows you howfew you get out of the litters and the rest have to go somewhere.


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