From my pet store experience and as someone whoowns reptiles (not snakes though) there are just some animals out therewon't eat dead animals. My bearded dragons are breeders andwhen my females are pregnant, they need extra calcium for their eggformation. They eat live pinky (baby) mice. Theywill not eat them dead, I've tried. I won't watch, I take outthe male, throw a pinky in the cage and quickly leave theroom.
2of my rabbits were meant to be feeders. I got themfrom a reptile show. Orion was just a tiny little 4 week oldbaby. He's a Mini Rex Mix. Daisy was about 6 weeksand she's a papered Holland Lop. They were happy when I tookher, but they were "getting out of rabbits".
I've found that most people buy frozen because it's better for theiranimals to eat in so many ways. My friend had a ball pythonthat was mauled by a live rat. I thought it was funny, I'mjust not a snake person and I don't agree with feeding live, but shewas a little more then upset. The snake just won't eatanything frozen. It actually went 2 months without eatingwhen she refused to feed it live. It's a little insanesnake. Frozen things just can't do damage like that and if arat could do that, I can't imagine what a rabbit would do, especially abig one. When I got Orion, someone was buying 10 CheckeredGiant Mixes to feed to a 250 lb Burmese python. That snakecould eat me!!! This man was selling all kinds of rabbits, hehad little babies and big huge things, Mini Lops and Californians andFrench Lops. I will say that at my store and a lot of storesI've encountered, they will not sell anything "fancy" forfeeding. That means we basically will only sell white mice orrats for food (we don't sell anything larger for food) but this appliesto rabbits too in most places. I'm not sure what thedifference is, but if we order "feeders" that's what we get, so Iimplemented that they would be separated if we had "fancy" animals in.
Edit: I just saw Amy's post about people saying we could just feed miceto snakes, but can you even imagine how many mice it would have takenthat personto feedthat 250 lb python?