Yeah, i have had (and i am sure others havehad)bad experiences with vets who don't know anything aboutrabbits. Once i took a bunny in for fur mites, i suggestedfur mites, but the vet blew me off and perscribed a $215 per rabbitcure. YEAH RIGHT!:shock: In the endI wasright and the cure for the whole rabbitry cost me $1.29
My point is that i wouldn't dare let a vet who knows very little aboutrabbits get near one of my bunnnies with a knife. I don'tcare how many dogs, cats, skunks or squirrels they have spayedbefore! When i go to a vet i find myself starting to quizthem on rabbit diseases and rabbits in general--lol!
Good luck! It should be fine. Faye is a beautiful rabbit. I love her [shadow=orange]color[/shadow]