Well-Known Member
so we are home now. Faye's doinggreat. right when they brought her out to me I opened up thedoor and rubbed her chin. She started purring (which wasgreat for me to see) and then I talked with the doctor( he said thingswent great) the doctor would like to see Faye eat her normal food(instead of nutrcal(sp)). He said theres no need fornewspaper because the stitching is under the skin(?). He alsosaid I would have no problems with her picking at the stitching( samereason, under skin). She just looks great!! Ihaven't seen the area because I just let Faye go under thebed. I have a flashlight and have been checking on her every20 mins. I put some lettuce , raisins, and veggies under thebed for her to snack on. I want to let her have some time torest and then at 7:30 I well be giving her water and checking herbehind. Shes stretched out very comfortable( not sitting upor anything like that). I couldn't have pictured a better endto the day ( she just looks great). They let her have theblanket and stuffed rabbit to lay with all day
at thevet. Well I'm going to go check on her. I don'tknow if I said this but I'm going out for an hour tonight to watch mysister play the violin with a Friend of hers at a restaurant.My point is my Friend is bringing a camera so I should have somepictures of my new short haircut, and my sisterlater on thisevening.