favorite things

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"Telescoping" is when they stand up on their rear feet and peruse all around themselves...like looking through a telescope.

"Studying " is another term I've seen used when they freeze and pointat some object that interests them or they are wary of.Several buns will all be pointing in the same direction, at the samething, with up-ears very attentive to any sound emanating from thetarget.

OH, i have so many favorite things..........

Binkying, definately the speed racing in a huge circle around theliving room and then, FLOP down and rest. She's just startedbegging for her veggies at night. Last night it was stormingpretty good, and she just hopped right in my lap and stayedthere. I almost didn't want to put her up so i could go tobed last night. If I didn't have to work today, I would'vestayed up all night with her.
When my lop, Peanut, who has eyes just like agiraffe (big and brown with long, beautiful lashes) comes over to meand lets me kiss her nose and that soft spot on the back of her neck.Awwww. . .

And also when my mini-Rex, Rex (original, huh? His full name is RexHarrison) who's quite anti-social, lets me pet his wonderfully soft fur.

Love everything about them :D (except maybe the litterbox, that I can do without).
