WOW!:shock:Time flies when you are having fun! I haven't been able to sit down and catch up on the news of my bunnies! Of course, the thought of starting over was always a drag...but, here I am and here it goes....
Bob wasmy first bunny. I got him On Dec. 4 of last year. I rescued him from a pet store when he was about 8 weeks old. According to the pet store, another buuny in his litter attacked him and chewed part of Bob's ear :bigtears:!!!!!!!!!!!!! The groomer I take him to thinks that maybe thos meanie bunny also got part of Bob's foot b/c his one toe nail is diformed. So, when I saw that there was a bunny in the cage and and then the employee said there was another bunny in a 'hospital' cage, I knew I was taking that one! Bob now lives the life of a king!! He is very skittish and doesn't like to be touched very much. I have to force it to pick him up, and that is on;y if I have to! However, the last month or so, I have been able to go up to him and pet his head, right between the eyes....but only for a minute! He runs to me when I call him :heart:and sleeps under my bed! If I should fall asleep on the couch for the night, he sleeps on the floor next to me!:adorable:. He doesn't play much with toys I give him which concerns me some. HE hops around, plays in the floor length curtains, and is very happy. But when I see Zosia play as she does, I worry about Bob!
Now Zosia is the opposite!!!! She is a hippty hoppity thing! I got her on June 7. She runs! she plays! she LOVES being petted! I am not sure how old she was when I brought her home. The shop said they don't get the bunnies until 7-9 weeks. If that is the case, then Zosia was either an exception and she left her mother too early, or, she was malnurished. She is a mini Holland lop, so she is going to be small, but her coat was very dull, and she was on the inactive side. Not lathargic, but not hippity hoppity either. In either case, she has grown and is now sporting a shiny black coat!!
