Falling Concern

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Quick update...the vet said all the bunnies seemto be doing well, as they had put on a little weight and definitionsince their last visit. Their lung sounds were all good and theychecked out healthy. She didn't have any indication as to Bean's'unable to get up after falling' condition, but said to continue tomonitor her. We have another follow-up in three weeks, and we'rekeeping the Baytril prescription going until then.

The visit with the rabbit specialist is tomorrow, so we'll see what they say.


No test on E.C.? I really hope that happens.

I'm glad you're going to the specialist tomorrow.

Thanks for the update. Will keep waiting for more news.

Update on vet visit #2...

This visit was to a rabbit specialist vet. Right away I couldtell they were very experienced in dealing with rabbits. They hadrabbit literature and posters up and the tech that did the initialwrite-up and weigh-in was very knowledgeable.

The doctor who examined them (I took all three) was satisfiedwith their initial exam, but did say Bean was still a bit underweight(1060 grams). They drew blood on Bean and are running both EC andPasteurella tests. The results should be back in a couple of days andthen they want to re-run the same tests in a few weeks to determine ifshe has an "active" instance of either condition.

In the meantime, they took the bunnies off of the Baytril, andinstead prescribed SMZ and Trimethoprim, Fenbendazole, and Benebac(probiotic) for all three.

In addition, they are running a culture on Poodsie as he hasbeen sneezing and has a little mucous at the nose sometimes. Dependingon those results, he may have additional meds.

All three bunnies were well-behaved and the staff commented onhow docile they were. I felt it was a good visit and we plan on usingthis vet for them from now on. This brings me to another matter thatI’ll start a new thread on.

We are going to see how they react to the meds and with thetest results we should have a clear course of direction. They are dueback in for a follow-up in two weeks.



This is Great, Kelton! :bunnydance:

This is the kind of message I was wishing for yesterday. :colors:

Definitely sounds like a keeper at this point. Very much lookingforward to what their findings tell us and how to move forward.

Love up those bunnies for me.

It sounds like the vet visit was a good experience for all.

Thanks for the update and keep 'em coming ;).

Sending prayers and good thoughts :pray:

Just another quick update...

Bean continues to make good progress. Her weight seems to be up and sheis much more active. The fecal tests from our first vet came backnegative and we expect the titer results from the bunny specialist anyday now.

There was another falling incident when Jelly chased Bean and sheslipped trying to make a turn. I had to set her back up to get hergoing again. I have tried to discourage Jelly from chasing Bean so thisdoesn't happen.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

When are the tests expected back, Kelton?

Waiting for those results. :waiting:

Please let us know when you find out what the deal is. Thanks for the update.

Did I happen to mention how much I HATE waiting.


Thinking of you and yours, Kelton.

Sorry, sorry :embarrassed:

We actually got the call from the rabbit specialist just before dinnerthis evening. Bean's test for Pasteurella was negative. The E.C. testwas "moderately positive." The vet wants to test her again in a fewweeks to see what effect, if any, the antibiotics have had on her. Shesaid if the E.C. levels are down on the second test, it would indicateshe has an active version of E.C. If the levels were to stay the same,then it is likely a non-active form.

At any rate, Bean certainly is much more active, inquisitive and allaround more healthy. She continues to put on weight and we are verypleased with her progression. Although Jelly still tries to chase her,the water bottle seems to have stemmed that little pastime quite a bit.

We go back to the vet on Wednesday for the follow-up.

Here is a shot I took this evening of Bean & Poodsie during playtime.



Oh, so glad to hear that Bean is doing better. Fingers crossed that her tests come back and she is ok.

I just read this thread and am so gladyou've found such a rabbit savvy vet. Glad Bean is doingbetter, and hope she continues to improve. Sending all mybest wishes and prayers for her.

That picture is A D O R A B L E !!

Thanks for the update, Kelton. We'll continue to send prayers and good thoughts!

I love the picture....."Where's the bunnnnnies?...THERE THEY ARE!!"


Goodness gracious - look at these two Mischief Makers!

That picture is Too Cute!

Thank you for the update, Kelton. Hoping and praying that theantibiotics can take care of the problem and it never occursagain.


Bunny Update!

We had our follow up today and the bunny vet was very pleased witheveryone's progress! Poodsie's runny nose is gone and Bean has gainedweight and is much more sociable. Their physical exams were great! Shejust wants us to keep an eye on everyone's behavior and closely monitorfor the return of any symptoms. They were all still a littleunderweight (but otherwise very healthy) so I'm looking for some ideasto pack on some pounds, errr, grams!

Thanks so much to everyone for the kind thoughts and prayers...I think (knock on wood) we are on the road to recovery!


Just what we wanted to hear! Thank you so much for the update, Kelton!

So happy to hear it!


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