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Wow, Raspberry, great photos - everyone lookslike they're having so much fun! I never liked the cold, so when wefirst thought of moving to Canada we had only been in the summer, sowhen my husband suggested going in the winter to see if I could standit, I was a bit hesitant. However, like TrampNPigeon said, the air wasdrier there than it is here in England and although it got in the minus20s I didn't feel as cold as I do here when it's only a couple ofdegrees under. Now I love the snow - everywhere looks sobeautiful and peaceful, and it is FUN!!- Jan
hehe, the funny thing about me with weather is Iam an athsmatic. Humidity can make or break me. Theheat of summer combined with the humidity make it soooooo hard tobreathe, but if there is no humidity in the winter I cant breatheeither!

But I would much rather take a new england winter =) I love snuggling up with my hun while the snow falls...
M.e. - where in New England are you? I grew up inBurlington, VT. :) I do know how awful the winters can be there though,especially how grey it is day after day after day. I'd get very blahthat time of year too and I swear it's from lack of sun. I am nowliving in Ottawa, which is pretty much the same as winters in VT (Ispent a lot of time here last winter in a long distance relationshipbefore I moved). It is a bit colder though, but thankfully by only afew degrees. And VT got A LOT more snow than Ottawa does, or at leastlast winter.

Raspberry Swirl, what a good looking family! :)
We've had really snow free winters around herelately. Growing up it was always snowing before Halloween, a couple ofyears ago it didn't snow till after Christmas. It's still pretty coldthough. Not Cananda cold, but cold.

I really kind ofenvy those of you that have been able to move around and experiencedifferent places. I mean I'm glad that I've given my children thesecurity of the same home and schools, all their family and friendsright here, etc. But as I get older there are just things I wish I'dseen and lived. Despite the bad rap that Kansas gets it really doeshave it all when it comes to the seasons though. With a few exceptionsof bad snaps of weather, we have all fourbeautiful fullseasons.I can grow ferns and hostas or cactus, we havewindsurfing and water skiing or sledding,blizzards and icestorms or tornadoes! :)Only part of the state is without alot of trees and even that hasit's own beauty. When you lookacross therolling flint hills,covered in waves ofprairie grass and dotted with cattle...you can see for miles and miles.I'll take that over the smog of a big city any day!

Kansas... where the state tree is a telephone pole...

or maine... where the state bird is a mosquito...

hehehe, =) My parents lived in Kansas before I was born. Thatwas what they used to joke about. I am a navy brat, but Icame along at the end of the career so I didnt move too much, but Ienvy my siblings... they lived in Hawaii for petes sake!
I live in Southern Maine, about 30 minutes fromChristine (bet you could walk it in two hours ;):p) She's right, wehaven't been getting near as much snow in the winter; I remember aThanksgiving several years ago when we actually got to go sleddingafter dinner. :D

But it's the dark that really gets me, I am addicted to sunlight. Justworking on switchboard, which is a small, windowless room, kills me. Ineed light! And in the winter, the lack of light does things to mybrain chemicals and makes me depressed (S.A.D.) I have dreams aboutsunlight, I crave warmth, I go into a greenhouse and my endorphins gothrough the roof. Yeah...I really need to move out of New England.
Those UV lightbulbs do help with S.A.D.I suffer from it on occasion, they are a bit pricey, but plug them inin the winters and things look so much better!
I don't know about Maine claiming the mosquito.They die up there in the winter. Florida has mosquitos almost yearround! We generally claim the buggy for our state bird. Also, themosquitos in Maine are small and brown. You ought to see the big blackskeeters here. Scary stuff I tell ya!


EEEEWWWW!!!! Here you guys go with moreFREAKY stuff! That's a dang blood sucking bug the size of ablue jay flying around on my screen! And in case youforgot.....mosquitos and I have relationship issues!!!!!!
if anyone happens to glimpse snow can you pleaseblow it my way? Had a serious snow droubt the last few years here, itsgutting :p.

Also: Do bunny & snow get along?
I think so...rabbitgirl had pictures of herbun(s) in the snow last winter i think. I dont know if they were justused to it, or if rabbits actually like snow...
otS3go wrote:
ifanyone happens to glimpse snow can you please blow it my way? Had aserious snow droubt the last few years here, its gutting :p.

Also: Do bunny & snow get along?
You can have the snow from Canada. Living here all your life, you learn to hate cold weather and snow.

My bunnies love snow! They go crazy running circles, binkying, and digging tunnels if there's enough snow.
Have any pictures of your bunnies playingin the snow??

Bumping this...because...I didn't want to start a new thread, and this one seemed appropriate for this plea. :)

My daughter's kindergarten class is doing a project with fall leaves.The problem? I live in Florida! The leaves outside are still GREEN!(darnit all)

Anyone want to mail me a manilla envelope full of colorful leaves? They're light...wouldn't cost much more than a stamp....

Please send me a PM if you'd like my UPS box address to send me some leaves for her and her class to use. :D

I'd SO appreciate it!!!


m.e. wrote:
I guess I'm the odd one out then. Something in my soul dies when I see snow.

No, not entirely :p, but I think I've got the whole Seasonal AffectiveDisorder thing, because winter is like a prolonged hell for me. Fall Idon't mind so much, mostly because the brilliant colors make up for thebitterly cold air. But the dark, and the cold and the snow...I swear assoon as I can, I am moving to a warmer climate.

I agree M.E.! I detest snow and we live in the snow belt -lots of lake effect snow. We had a record breaking 8 feetlast year and one of the biggest storms was in May. We gotover 12 inches of snow in 12 hours. Maybe it will bedifferent when I retire and don't have to commute every weekday. Then I can watch the cars sliding into the ditches frommy living room window.

This is the time of year when I kick myself for leaving North Carolinafornortheast Ohio. I highly recommend thepiedmont region of NC for perfect weather.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I really kind of envy those ofyou that have been able to move around and experience different places.I mean I'm glad that I've given my children the security of the samehome and schools, all their family and friends right here, etc. But asI get older there are just things I wish I'd seen and lived. Despitethe bad rap that Kansas gets it really does have it all when it comesto the seasons though. With a few exceptions of bad snaps of weather,we have all fourbeautiful full seasons.I can growferns and hostas or cactus, we have windsurfing and water skiing orsledding,blizzards and ice storms or tornadoes!:)Only part of the state is without a lot of trees and eventhat hasit's own beauty. When you look acrosstherolling flint hills,covered in waves of prairiegrass and dotted with cattle...you can see for miles and miles. I'lltake that over the smog of a big city any day!


LOL Raz, I envy all the stable and secure things you provide for yourkids. My dad was in the Army and my mom was in theNavy. By the time I was 6 years old, we had livedin3 different states and 2 different countries.Several times we moved after only 3 months in one place. I doenvy all those folks with a 'hometown'.

Kansas gets a bad rap? I thought it was the Heartland.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I really kind of envy those ofyou that have been able to move around and experience different places.I mean I'm glad that I've given my children the security of the samehome and schools, all their family and friends right here, etc. But asI get older there are just things I wish I'd seen and lived. Despitethe bad rap that Kansas gets it really does have it all when it comesto the seasons though. With a few exceptions of bad snaps of weather,we have all fourbeautiful full seasons.I can growferns and hostas or cactus, we have windsurfing and water skiing orsledding,blizzards and ice storms or tornadoes!:)Only part of the state is without a lot of trees and eventhat hasit's own beauty. When you look acrosstherolling flint hills,covered in waves of prairiegrass and dotted with cattle...you can see for miles and miles. I'lltake that over the smog of a big city any day!

Rass, you and your family will ALWAYS be welcome to visit me inToronto.( i have a small apartment now, but one day i'll have a biggerplace)



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