Thanks Pam, I'm glad we can have a civilized discussion.
Of courseI support animal welfare, just as you do.There are also some aspects of animal rights I support. Iwon't enumerate them here because most are related to cats and notrabbits. Also, a lot of my beliefs are private just like myreligious and political beliefs.If we ever meet inperson, I'm sure we will havesome interesting topics todiscuss.
I have mixed feelings about animal rights and liberation and, for thecurious, I was a member of PETA from their founding 25 years ago andfor about 7-8 years after. My membership lapsed because myfocus changed to supporting local efforts, the no-cage, no-kill shelterwhere I volunteer andthe BuckeyeHRS.WillI read their web site - sure! Will I believeevery word without documentation - no!
I also have some mixed feeling about breeding butmost ofthose feelings are personal and I see no point in sharingnow. Also, I think my knowledge of professional breeding isstill very limited. How can I condemn or criticize when I amlacking in information? I do not support or condonethe irresponsible, amateur, indiscriminate breeding of mixed breedrabbits especially when there is little purpose to thebreeding. Having rescue bunnies has made me all too familiarwith that.
What bothers me the most about so many 'for and against' arguments isthe anger that is generated. Neither side listens, learns oris persuaded by shouting, rudeness, bullying, name callingandbad behavior.
I also feel it is incumbent upon the adults on the forum to set a goodtone and a good example for the younger, minor members.Parents should feelconfident there kids won't be exposed tosome foaming, raging adult's bared backside.