Extended Stomach

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angieluv wrote:
ascites is fluidretention in an area of the body where it shouldn't ordinarily be. It usually is the result of some organ dysfunction. For ex. some people with heart problems get swollen ankles, people with cirrohis of the liver get fluid accumulation in their abdomnal cavity
But we aren't sure what she has yet so maybe its not that

Idon't think that she has stasis if sheis pooping and eating

tonyshumanis correct re the definition of ascites

it is in the abdomen only

Ilumped it in with edema |
Buttercup had ascites last fall. He ended up having 250cc removed under a General Anesthetic.

It was touch and go after they did it for about a week. but i also think they screwed up one if his back legs when the did an Ultra Sound on him at the same time. Chris and I nursed him back literly watching over him 24/7 for almost a week. We did have to give him Critical care around the clock for quite a few days. He went back about 4 - 6 weeks after the initial drainage and had about 25cc removed.

Since then he has had no more ascites, thank goodness, he does have other problems but we are coping with them.

I'll say a prayer:pray: that Monsters gets better real soon.

Susan :)
SOOOSKA wrote:
Buttercup had ascites last fall. He ended up having 250cc removed under a General Anesthetic.

I'll say a prayer:pray: that Monsters gets better real soon.

Susan :)
I don't think that the vet would do this considering her age. I think it would be to risky putting her under.

On a brighter note I left home to go to work and Monsters had the look in her face that she was ready and she was looking to hot. So I left her in the living with my sister and worried about her while I was there. When I came home early I find a happy Monsters to see me and looking good. Her nose has cleared up. I called my mom letting her know that we might be letting Monsters go. It looks like Monsters is putting up a fight for me. :)

Her poops have sorted them selves out I think. No soft ones on the living room floor :)

Thanx for the prayers. I think they worked.
Big hugs to you and your buns. You definitely know what's best. I hope you guys have more happy days ahead.
Thank you gals for all your help.
I am hopping for more days with Monsters. I just afraid to leave her alone. I'm sure she'll be fine. Were going to a movie tonight. I think I'll leave Fluffy out with her.

Mom wonders if she's retaining water, is that another possibility or is that the same thing we are talking about? Mom hasn't seen the photo's yet or seen monster but just from what I've said to her.
It looks like her tummy has gone back to normal size. Mom came in after the movie and looked at her and photo's and Monsters left her with a small wet spot on her shirt. lol. Mom wonders if maybe it was just gas.
I will keep you all updated, and if it does reappears and she will be going to the vet.

Thanx everyone.