::: exasperated sigh ::: Where IS everybody today?

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Thanks so much, it looks great.

Everyone, how about a round of applause for bunnymommy?

Hey, M&Smom, let me slow them down a little bit so that people will have time to see and appreciate each bunny.

Hold on a sec. I'll email it to you.
Thanks, and thanks for the compliment about mybunnies, they're just loving this. Now I'm going to have ignorantbunnies. ;)lol.


Without a doubt, BunnyMommy is our most gifted technical expert.

To take the heat off further, BunnyMommy, let's include instructions of a slide show if you can do this one more time!

In the end, we can refer everyone to be able to do it on their own if they wish.

Oh Boy. I feel like I'm asking you too much. So sorry, but it's to save you the favors in the future.

Back to the "How to Create an Avatar" post we go? :?

What's that saying? Teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime?

Oh, how did I miss this post!:( I'm sorry, Carolyn. I hope that you didn't thinkI was ignoring you. I'm running back and forth betweenmultiple computers and it's pretty much the luck of the draw at thispoint! lol!

Sure, I'd be happy to write up some instructions for the animatedavatars. This one is going to take me a minute though becauseit's one of those things that I feel my way through. I'll getit together though. ;)
No Problem, BunnyMommy.

Working on something else first: Troll Patrol.Withthe amount of newbies, we're more suseptible to getting them. Want to avoid that to the best of our abilities.

Will let you know when I'll post the avatar information and we can work on it together then.

Thanks! You've been a God Send!


Carolyn, you're scaring me again!!!:shock: I was thinking today, well, it's about time for thetrolls to show up! We might need to start thinking aboutdamage control ... and then you post this!!! ::: insertTwilight Zone music here :::

It is odd, isn't it?!
