ewwww worms

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
my little bunny has little white small worms comeing out of her bum i don't know what kind of worm is it?my rabbits all stay outside in a shed is there something i can treat my rabbit with at home my vet do not treat rabbits is there something i can buy from the store like paste like horses use's.
Probably pinworms. You can use Piperazine wormer or Ivermectin. Pinworms are difficult to completely eradicate so you may need treat over a period of time.

If possible, could you post some photos that I could use for 4-H educational programs?



It is, but you need to be very careful with the dosage. Only a tiny smear of paste is needed. In rare cases, some rabbits experience a reaction from the Ivermectin.

You'll note a globs of worms expelled in about 3 days.

Just a question - if you wanted to worm your rabbits (my 2 adults spend a lot of time outdoors) what age would one start the worming? I had picked up a bottle of Wazine at the feed store, but haven't put any in their drinking water yet.
I'd probably start at 12 weeks of age if the kits were not showing any earlier signs of infestation.

I was just wondering anything you could suggest to ask a vet for to treat worms in rabbits, I'm going to ask for something to worm rabbits as mine are let roam in the garden during the day.
TexasMari wrote:
I would double check and make sure the worms are not actually maggots.
I just wanted to re-post this as Maria has a good point, if it is maggots this is a medical emergency. You can check a photo online to confirm what they look like. If her bottom was dirty, or had some poop etc. stuck to it then it is more likely to attract maggots.
there's no poop stuck to there bums it was a little bitty white worm i know what a maggot look like it was't a maggot. but thank's for helping.

here is a pic not that good of a pic the white worms on the bum
They look rather thick for pinworms, which are very thin and tapered at the ends. From the pictures, the appearance is more rice-like resembling tapeworm segments. You might want to take a sample in to the vet to see exactly what kind of worm it is, as there are a number of internal parasites that rabbits can contract.

You can also chose to go ahead and treat at home. Watch for worms being expelled in the feces within 3 days and see if you can get some clearer photos.



tapeworm segment.

hi pam if i use the horse paste Ivermectin do i use a pea size to treat the rabbits and bunnies the bunnies are 8 weeks old do i have to give it to all 12 of my rabbits. should i wash all of my cages out too.do worms make there poop kidney shaped not a normal round i have 2 bunnies are have sometimes round then the kidney shaped poop the bunnies only get pellets and water they don't get any hay . thank you pam for helping
Yes - I'm sorry that I didn't get to your PM yet - school has been a hectic nightmare.

Use a tiny smear for young bunnies. Clean out cages and feed dishes.

Remember, that in rare cases, some rabbits have as toxic reaction to Ivermectin. I would go ahead and treat all 12.


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