Evidence! Caught on Film!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I was trying to get a good shot of Chompers and was using raisins as bait. One word: FIEND!!!

Dave was lucky to get that shot, with Chomper's paw as he was about topull the raisins towards him. See that look of determination on hisface? You can see them, but Valuran and Abby were right there too.
How can you call such a cute little boy a fiend?Poor little rabbit just couldn't resist temptation when it was rightunder his nose like that. I have the same problem with chocolatesometimes :). I can't get over how similar his colouring is to Tarragonet al, right down to the racing stripe down his side. He's a realdarling, I hope he got his raisin after he posed so nicely :D.

"If you're gonna play on the puter you can just give those to me pleez......"


LOL.....That looks just like Jacob when someonehas a raisin. He wont move for anything else but break out the raisinsand he goes NUTS.

Chompers is such a cutebunny!!!


He really goes nuts for the sweets, more so than the other two. Whenhe's really happy he does this snuffling/grunting noise, as he'sgobbling down whatever it is, crawling all over my lap in the process.

Of course, I don't feed him at all, you know.
Stephanie wrote:
Iwas trying to get a good shot of Chompers and was using raisinsas bait. One word: FIEND!!!

Dave was lucky to get that shot, with Chomper's paw as he was about topull the raisins towards him. See that look of determination on hisface? You can see them, but Valuran and Abby were right there too.
FIEND?!?!?!?! :shock:

Look at that cute little face! Look at his eye and how it looks concerned that he might not get his share!

Shame on you Stephanie for teasing that innocent baby with raisins so you can take photos! tsk tsk!


I think you have the darker lop eared version of my Mocha!

I love that picture, it's really cute!
He'd try to eat you out of house and home Bo. :p

MBB - he's our snuggle bunny, loooooves getting his ears rubbed andcheeks pet. He'll hunker right down and sit there forever if you'rerubbing his ears.
Stephanie wrote:
MBB - he's our snuggle bunny, loooooves getting his earsrubbed and cheeks pet. He'll hunker right down and sit there forever ifyou're rubbing his ears.
:shock:Now that does sound like my Mocha monster.
We already have people with bunnynose, ear, and butt fetishes. Now we have people with bunny feet fetishes! ;)
We got Bo a cannister of raisinsyesterday. He ate the first one fine. Then today,when Lexi gave him one, he had to chin it first LOL!

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