JAK Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Its inevitable when you breed and raise rabbits. Stuff happens, injuries, sickness, the unthinkable. When veterinary care isn't going to help or isn't an option, Its something we all must be prepared for.
Thankfully, I haven't had to put a rabbit down since the incident with Bubba. When I lived at home I always had access to my Dad's .22. I figured it was quick, easy, and painless for all involved. And after what happened with Matt and Bubba, I wouldn't ask him to do that again.
A friend of mine has Hollands displaying symptoms of wry neck. Sadly even after veterinary treatment, at this point we have to consider the health of the whole herd, not just one.
What I wanted to pick your brains about was the idea of an at home lethal injection as a means of euthanasia. The injection that is given at a vet is actually an overdose of a sedative, causing the slowing and eventual ceasing of the respiration and pulse. The animal in a sense does indeed ''go to sleep'', and just peacefully drifts off. But with a vet visit being $40, and an emergency vet visit being $60, and the injection itself being another $40.... it isn't always an affordable option, especially on a large scale like this. Now most feed stores do carry tranquilizers for cattle and horses as an injectable. I'm sure even half of the dosage for a large animal would be more than enough and would offer an at home solution. However what worries me is the idea of it not working as planned, and I wouldn't just ''try it'' for kicks or tosee if it worked. I've read horror stories from an inside look at euthanasia in humane societies...describing the process as ''the animals dont just 'go to sleep', some convulse, vomit, and shake.' " This is not hte peaceful end I have in mind.
So anyone's ideas on the matter would be helpful. If you've done something like this before or perhaps have some veterinary education or know someone that does, if maybe we can all poll our vets on the matter, it would help my friend now and myself int he future and for the rest of the breeders on here, it may just help our peace of mind.
Thankfully, I haven't had to put a rabbit down since the incident with Bubba. When I lived at home I always had access to my Dad's .22. I figured it was quick, easy, and painless for all involved. And after what happened with Matt and Bubba, I wouldn't ask him to do that again.
A friend of mine has Hollands displaying symptoms of wry neck. Sadly even after veterinary treatment, at this point we have to consider the health of the whole herd, not just one.
What I wanted to pick your brains about was the idea of an at home lethal injection as a means of euthanasia. The injection that is given at a vet is actually an overdose of a sedative, causing the slowing and eventual ceasing of the respiration and pulse. The animal in a sense does indeed ''go to sleep'', and just peacefully drifts off. But with a vet visit being $40, and an emergency vet visit being $60, and the injection itself being another $40.... it isn't always an affordable option, especially on a large scale like this. Now most feed stores do carry tranquilizers for cattle and horses as an injectable. I'm sure even half of the dosage for a large animal would be more than enough and would offer an at home solution. However what worries me is the idea of it not working as planned, and I wouldn't just ''try it'' for kicks or tosee if it worked. I've read horror stories from an inside look at euthanasia in humane societies...describing the process as ''the animals dont just 'go to sleep', some convulse, vomit, and shake.' " This is not hte peaceful end I have in mind.
So anyone's ideas on the matter would be helpful. If you've done something like this before or perhaps have some veterinary education or know someone that does, if maybe we can all poll our vets on the matter, it would help my friend now and myself int he future and for the rest of the breeders on here, it may just help our peace of mind.