errrrgh she is soooo uncomfortable!

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SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:


I went back and took a closer look at the pictures above...Funbunbun, am I correct if I say the toes on the front feet of the darkbaby look white (er, pink)? That in itself could be the Dutchmarkings you were looking for Liz, and obviously you wouldn't be ableto see any "dutch marking" difference on the broken baby.

As for the one that didn't make it - it was hard to tell fromthe picture if it was all white or if it was spotted or marked.

Oh my Gosh!!!! The little sable DOES have whitetoes!! i hadn't noticed that! wow cool,thanks. But how'd he come out a sable???

I know its not impossible, just weird. :)

In the picture of the dad, he looks chocolate, but i can see how that could be a faded blue in the wrong light...

so... DAD: aa B_ C_ (but couldn't be C or Chd if it threw a sable) dd E_ then the dutch/bkn gene stuff

MOM: aa B_ C (chl, ch, or c) Dd (threw a blue)E_ Enen...Du???

so one of the parents carries chl, but not both, because if both did it would be a seal, right? chlchl...

that baby is a sable, right?
lizabeth332 wrote:
Oh my Gosh!!!! The little sable DOES have whitetoes!! i hadn't noticed that! wow cool,thanks. But how'd he come out a sable???

I know its not impossible, just weird. :)

In the picture of the dad, he looks chocolate, but i can see how that could be a faded blue in the wrong light...

so... DAD: aa B_ C_ (but couldn't be C or Chd if it threw a sable) dd E_ then the dutch/bkn gene stuff

MOM: aa B_ C (chl, ch, or c) Dd (threw a blue)E_ Enen...Du???

so one of the parents carries chl, but not both, because if both did it would be a seal, right? chlchl...

that baby is a sable, right?

It is so hard to tell color for sure when first born, especially through pictures.

It looks like the picture was taken with the flash on - thatwould make the color a little "lighter" or "faded". It looksto me like a Chocolate... but again, hard to tell until it'solder.

IF it is a Chocolate (which seems more likely)...
Mom (Broken Black) would be: aa Bb C_ Dd E_ E[suB]n[/suB]e[suB]n[/suB] D[suB]u[/suB]_
Dad (Chocolate Dutch) would be: aa bb C_ Dd E_ d[suB]ud[/suB]d[suB]uw[/suB]
(Assuming he has correct balance of color)

I sooo love this genetics stuff! :p


... I found the original thread... said that Dad was a Blue Dutch.... in that case he would be:
aa B_ C_ dd E_ d[suB]ud[/suB]d[suB]uw[/suB]

The chocolate is still very possible and more likely if bothparents were "b" recessive for chocolate. I would LOVE to seepictures of them growing up... The color would be most noticeable ataround 1-2 weeks old though.

hi, sunniebunnie, thanks!

still looks sable to me, but choc is a lot more likley.


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