Hi all!
Thanks for your thoughts, concerns and prayers. Carolyn haspretty much updated you with all the information we had. Vetsaid breeds/species prone to react negatively to ivermectin.Mentioned white collie dogs for example. When administeringivermectin first time for any animal they require patient to remain inhospital for about an hour just in case a reaction sets in, so theytreat with antidote immediately.
I mentioned yohimbine as an antidote and she said she would administerthat if the animal was having a seizure and as Ernestine wasnot, it was not necessary. Same thing for anycortisone based med, as Ernestine's vitals seemed good. Weare to call vet with update tomorrow. I am concerned withlingering brain damage,as she is still not quite her own livelyself. Now, of course, we watch her like a hawk and exaggerateevery reaction, real or imagined. Hard to get back to anormal perspective.
Will advise you all of any significant developments. Lessonhere for me is that ivermectin is not for all buns, especially BEWand/or Blue Dutch.