Erika's Critter Blog

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Thanks guys. :D Sorry I couldn't upload the new pics and vids last night.

So I had some health concerns with Felix and this morning we went in for a wellness exam. Felix is a healthy bunny according the vet. You can see the thread Here. Something he mentioned though is he thinks Felix is actually a female! I really liked this vet, he is very bunny savvy. I think he is right. I made a thread about that too with pictures of his/her genitals.

What Gender is Felix?

I will need some help deciding on a new name since it looks like he is a she. :biggrin:
Oh my gawd. That baby bunny is SO friggen cute!
It looks like Felix is a male, not positive though so I will have to wait and see. I'm going to bring him to the rabbit rescue with me sometime soon when I volunteer so the founder can give me her opinion. It's so hard because his genitals are super tiny. For now I will keep calling Felix a boy.

Felix either loves me a lot or I taste delicious! :purpletongueHe will zip around and binky then run back over to me to snuggle against my arm. He then proceeds to groom me like there is no tomorrow. After that it's zipping off binking again. My mother says he likes the salt but I always reply to that statement with, "No he loves ME not my salt!" I'm not sure if that's true but hey, it's what I like to believe, lol. Dunkin was very licky as a baby and he still is today even though he has a wife now.

I'm excited for tomorrow. :hyper:
A new Petco opened in our area and the grand opening is this weekened. The rescue I volunteer at, Second Chance Bunnies, was invited. So I will be going to help educate the public on Rabbit awareness and welfare with them. A few of the rescued bunnies are coming along too. It looks like we may start having adoption events. I'm a naturally shy person but animals bring out a different side of me.

Yeah, I hope it turns out to be a good experience.
I'm still nervous though! Social anxiety and what not. :twitch:

I felt super guilty a few hours ago. I was sitting beside the couch watching Felix play and burn some of that baby energy. It's so adorable because he will tire himself out then come over and crash beside me. That's when I know he needs a nap. Anyway, so he was out on the couch and I got up to go check the computer. My mother was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room keeping an eye on him. I guess I got so preoccupied doing whatever on the computer that I totally forgot about little Felix on the couch! About 10 mins later my mom comes in saying Felix flipped out. I gasped and got all worked out that I forgot about him. She said his behavior completely changed when I didn't come back. He leaped onto the arm of the couch, ran across the back, jumped back down on the cushions and then dropped onto the floor below. To some it up, he was in a panic. My mother quickly scooped him up and placed him back in his cage. Thank goodness he is fine! I ran out into the living room and apologized to him, though I doubt he understood what I was so worked up over. I gave him lots of lovin and in return he groomed my hand.

I also got the piggies new cage put together tonight. Love the way it looks now! It's a 2x4 grid with a 2x1 kitchen area. I ordered some new cozies that should arrive any day now. So soon I will be taking out the stools because they do argue over them.


That is an awesome piggie cage, Erika! Did you order cozies from The Cozy Cavy?
undergunfire wrote:
Did you order cozies from The Cozy Cavy?
I sure did! :thumbup

The Petco Grand Opening event went really well, it was filled with drama though. Right when we get there and set up the bunny we brought rips off her dew claw. Blood is just pouring out but thankfully the founder noticed right away! She had brought some stuff to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working. One of the gals working as a groomer at the Petco was nice enough to offer some of the bleeding stop they use. It worked super good. After that a lady from a local dog/cat rescue group comes over with a carrier full of tiny kittens. Someone was trying to sell them outside the store, they were way too young to be away from momma. So she took the babies from the person and will be bottle feeding them. I'm guessing she probably said give them to me or I will report you to the authorities.

Things settled down a bit after that. People would come over and look at our set-up and the bunny we brought. I took her out a few times and sat with her on my lap. Kids would come up and gently stroke her back. Overall she was behaving like a very good bunny. Of course she was pretty horrified in the beginning and would just sit in her litter box. A few hours towards the end she started to hop around and play though. Then the drama started back up again. A dog wearing a harness came running through the store; owner no where in sight. Some employees caught him and walked him outside. For a minute everyone thought someone just dumped him. Eventually the owners (two teen boys) came and claimed him, saying he jumped out of their truck. :rollseyes

Then we noticed a family quickly leaving the store. One of the daughters was holding a TINY baby bunny that had to have not been any older than 4 weeks. Petco doesn't sell rabbit's. The founder tried to stop them but they were talking so fast she couldn't in time. It was really heartbreaking because I have a feeling they bought it from somewhere.

We were able to help educate a few people that had bunnies themselves, so that was very good. Also just getting the word out. One cool thing was the huge but still young Great Dane!


Ah, my blog has died!

It's 4:00 am, why am I awake? Darn you insomnia...
I knew I would regret not taking my sleep aid. Sooo, I will post pictures instead.

Here we have Miss Amber sporting her lop ears, which only occurs when she's tired.


Bunny Roar! Still from a video clip, hence the lack of quality.


Dunkin giving kisses to his momma :love:


Amber and Dunkin are still bonded and doing great.
It's so nice to know they have each other when I'm not around.


Cute video of the couple exploring their new Critter Castle!

I want all your critters.
Cute video! I love Dunkin's white fur! It just always seems so clean!

On a side note, I thought it was funny how the song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley is playing in the background while you're talking to your bunnies. :p I talk to my guys all the time, and Will says that I'm crazy. :D
Ali- Aw, that's sweet but you can't have... :big wink: LOL, my life would be far too dull.

Kelly- Thanks! Ha, so you picked up on that? A song talking about being crazy in the background of someone talking to pet bunnies. I talk to all my critters, even the fish.

New Felix pictures! He had a little outside adventure.





Felix is such a cutie, I still can't b/l noone wanted him. Damn which I had known about him before you!:p
Aww Felix is adorable!
Thanks everyone. :biggrin: I got some pics and vids of the other critters enjoying veggies.


^ Zee (2 years old) hoarding veggies :hearts Click to view video


  • Salad:: Green Leaf, Romaine, Italian Parsley, Carrot slices with grain mix on top
  • Rest of plate:: Grain Mix and Baby Oatmeal Cereal

She had the same thing, just a much smaller amount. ;)

^ Click to view video


Here is a new picture of her abode. It's the same size as a 20 gallon long tank. I just cleaned it before snapping the pic, hence the toilet paper scattered. I do this for mental stimulation, she goes around collecting the bedding and then makes a nest in her wooden den (aka house).



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