Mike - Camera Corner Mod
English Angora
The English Angora has an adult weight of 5-7 pounds. It is covered in "wool", three to five inches long. In fact, they are so wooly that it's sometimes hard to see the rabbit in all that fur!
The ARBA recognized colors for Angora rabbits are as follows:
Blue color:
Note: Similar breeds are:
The English Angora has an adult weight of 5-7 pounds. It is covered in "wool", three to five inches long. In fact, they are so wooly that it's sometimes hard to see the rabbit in all that fur!
The ARBA recognized colors for Angora rabbits are as follows:
- White: Pointed White (white body, black, blue, chocolate or lilac color on nose, ears, feet and tail), Blue-eyed White (BEW), Ruby-eyed White (REW)
- Colored (mixed and banded fur): Chinchilla, Chocolate Chinchilla, Lilac Chinchilla, Squirrel, Chestnut, Chocolate Agouti, Copper, Lynx, Opal
- Self (entire rabbit is one color): Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
- Shaded (dark on face, ears, feet, tail; shading to lighter color on body): Pearl (sable, black, blue, chocolate or lilac shading to pearl color), Sable (dark sable shading to light sable), Seal (same as sable, but darker areas are almost black), Smoke Pearl (smoky blue shading to pearl grey beige)
- Tortoiseshell: Blue Tortoiseshell (blue shading to beige), Chocolate Tortoiseshell (light chocolate brown shading to fawn), Lilac Tortoiseshell (lilac shading to beige or almond), Tortoiseshell (brownish black shading to fawn)
- Ticked (fur is one color/longer guard hairs in a different color): Blue Steel (blue/tan), Chocolate Steel (brown/tan or silver), Lilac Steel (lilac/tan or silver), Steel (dark grey/tan or silver)
- Wide Band: Cream, Fawn, Red

Blue color:

Note: Similar breeds are:
- French Angora - short fur on face and ears - unlike the English Angora, you can clearly see the face.
- Giant Angora - much larger, longer hair, fringe and tufts on ears
- Satin Angora - short fur on face and ears, but soft and shiny wool, finer than the French Angora
- Jersey Woolly - very small, round head and short ears
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