Thank you. I kept giving Apollo dandelion leaves.I cut them in half so I could give him more. I realy hope it works outfor you and Emmy. It takes Alot of patience. Good Luck!!
Dandelion leaves? The one that you pick from yourbackyard? HMph..I got to try it some time. When they grow of courseMaybe some time in the spring I shall say? I have to goright now..but if anyone could lend me some awesome tips like what Tinagave be my guest
Ekk..I have to go now. I think emmy "sprayed" :shock:
Yup the kind of dandelions you find in your yard.Just make sure they are organic, nothing sprayed on them. You can alsobuy Romaine lettuce and shred it. I did that and kept a ziplok baggiewith me. If he walked or even just there without trying to chew on thheharness I'd tell him how good he was and give a little lettuce.
Wow. I got plenty of those dandelions out in mybackyard when it gets warm!! oo wee. lols. Now I cant wait till springkicks in I got some roman letuce in my refigerator!! I'll do thelettece trick some time around 8 hehe. lols. I hope it works. I canshred lettuce in my blender?! lols. mm Ill just cut them
I just cut it into super thin strips with akitchen knife. I like the lettuce and romaine because it's a morenatural snack and I don't feel so bad giving him extra.
OOHHH, as a final treat and a nice way to end the session is with theactual dandelion flower. Apollo loves them so much so it made a perfecttreat finale lol.
I sure will keep you guys posted! I ought to gonow and try the harness thing. I just wished that I have a digi cam topost pictures up here. :XSadly, I USED to have one until myyounger brother broke it. gEeE. I'll keep you posted on how it went.Bye for now! *crosses fingers*
Everything went OK. To the scale 1-10 it went to a 7. When I had putthe harness on Emmy..she just sat there. And everytime I wasn'tlooking, she would secretly start chewing on her harness:shock:But I would stop her and pet her on her head sayingthat not to bite. She would listen. But then..she would pretend shewasgrooming her body and then when I would turn around shewould start chewing on her harnessagain.
I picked her up, and moved her to the family roomto see if her reaction would change, and it did. Well not for long. Shestarted getting up on her hind legs and started snooping and sniffingaround. {with her harness on} It was going really well until shestarted sniffing at the floor and saw her harness i guess. she startedtugging and chewing on it. I petted her and she calmed down. I TRIEDgiving her lettuce but she wouldn't accept it. :?When shestarted chew and tugging on her harness again..i just took it off andplann todo thesame tomorrow. EkKkK..I wonder howits gonnabe like for tomorrow! Any predictions?
That was how things went towards her harness. She just gotput back in her cage again. She was out a 7 and now back in her cage at9
Emmy did Awesome. You Go Girl! When I first putAthena on her harness she lost it. No amount of praise or treats weregoing to change her mind, After about a two weeks of putting theharness on and taking her out for a few minutes, she would tolerate it.I think Emmy came a long way in one night. It really is a matter ofpatience and lots of time.
Wow. Emmy did come a long way didn't she? I'mplanning doing it again after she has an hour of running around thehouse I'll post up updates of Harness Day 2