Emmalou's questions on kindling

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my two dutch rabbits are due to have thierlitters tonight- one girl is sticking her butt up in the air alot -likeshe's streaching and the other isn't doing much but she pulled aot ofhair this afternoon!!

I am going to combine all of your threads intoone and let folks answer there - I may edit the subject line to that itwill reflect your questions, etc.

As a breeder who tends to stay up nights when her girls are giving birth...you'll know when you're going to have babies...

....by going in and finding them either in the nestbox or on the wire(depending upon mama) - or by finding fur in the nestbox that may movearound a bit.

You can't time it and go "ok..its gonna be by X o'clock 'cause she'spulled fur.." or say "she's made a nest....so its going to be now."

The things you watch for are:

a. straining in the nestbox - she'll be sitting and trying topush them out - and she'll sit there for a long time (15-20 minutes).If the kits are too big - she may do this.

b. laying on her side and panting hard and grinding teeth and sort of a glossy look to her eyes....

c. having a seizure (usually due to calcium deficiency)

Other than that - you simply have to wait...and wait...and wait. Somedoes won't give birth until day 33. Some does give birth at day28....most does around day 31. Notice...I said "most".

The thing to consider is your does are OLDER does. It isn't wise tobreed older does for first-time litters and I would never breed olderdoes (for the first time litter). Most breeders know the ages at whichto breed different breeds and I've never heard of anyone recommendingbreeding a first time doe older than a year and a half - and that isthe big breeds...which need a lot of time to grow.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh. I don't mean to be harsh. But nothing we sayon here can make your does have their babies any faster and unless theyhave a stuck kit that would need help - nothing you can do will makethem have their kits any faster. It simply happens when it happens.....

Trust me - I've tried the watching and waiting and yes, I do certainthings to help my does (like raspberry tea and parsley sometimes andalways Tums from day 28 till they deliver).

OMG!! my baby had babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!last night with no problems or anything. i woke up a couple times tocheck on her and everything was normal. In the morning i found a pileof fur that was moving! i'm afraid to move the fur and see how manythere are. IS that OK??
Of course that is ok. As long as mama is used toyou - she should be ok with you checking the kits. You have to do thatanyway to make sure and remove any dead kits.

If you are really nervous about it - have a bottle of vanilla extracthandy. Check the kits - then pet mama and put a tiny drop of theextract on her nose (put it on your finger and then rub near her nose).By the time the scent wears off...she won't worry about the kits.

Congrats. Let us know how many you have!

my other bunny had hers now too!!!!!!!!! thereare three-> but i think they're dead. her cage is all bloody andthey're not breathing:(what di i do???!!!!!
Ouch...her cage is bloody? Ok - the first thingyou need to do is pick her up and check her vent area (her privates).Is it closed? Does it look like she has a stuck kit? Is it swollen?

The "bloody" part could be the placenta if it is a small blob.

Feel the babies - are they warm at all? Or are they stretched out andcold? If they are at all warm, hold them in your hands for a moment ortwo and see if they start to get warm....if they are cold andunresponsive - then you will need to dispose of them.

Either way - you need to focus on mom and make sure she is ok.

i checked the mom->she's bloody i'm verynew new to everything so i can't tell if there' a stuck kit the babiesare cold and deformed think...i checked the other litter-severbeautiful babies-> all alive and healthy looking! good job dot!!!
i don't know what to do! ahhhh! there's a bigblob of blood or something in the cage that she's eating. how do i knowthat she's going to have anymore???
I left them alone for the day. I went down a fewhours ago and found that spots(the one who's babies died) was making anew nest! she pulled a bum load more of hair!!! what should Iexpect??!!:rabbithop
congradulations on the healthy litter :bunnydance:
very sorry to hear about the other, how is the mummy doing?? she ok?
Hope ur ok :purplepansy:
sorry i haven't been on for a while..i've beenhaving trouble getting on my acount. the bunny had one more baby-but itwas dead too.:( i named him edgar. mom's fine

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