EMERGENCY- new borns cold

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OMG - poor babies - even adult animals wouldhave trouble keeping warm at -25......I'd definitely make sure they getinside or if they don't make it, not have her have anymore babies untilit warms up.

Just a quick note - when you are warming up hypothermic animals - you have to do it slow- not fast.

If you do it too fast - ie. running warm water over them, using a hairdryeretc, all of the capillaries on the surface of the skinopen, and blood rushes to the surface. The animal can then go intohypovolemic shock - not enough blood at the internal organs.Try and warm the animal slowly using ambient heat. Hope thishelps.
I have had good luck warming up a baby with luke-warm running water.

I don't use really warm water and the action on the water running on their

bodies seems to stimulate them to breathe.

Just what works for me.


i would normally put cold kits in my bra to warmthem up and its worked with a few of mine ,if mums scatteredthem lets hope she accepts them back again? hopefully shewill also i would bring mam in with the kits and put them ina cool room ....... fingers crossed for you

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