Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like to. Tuesdays are my most busiest days (wouldn't ya know it!).
Here's my update: Biscuit is still sick, but seems to havegotten a little least she isn't getting worse! Iput some oates and dried milk in the hutch for the kits to eat (yes Ihaven't removed the kits, more about that later) and she got up andchowed them down!
She can straighten her head but after a short while it drifts back toabout 45degrees. Up above I said her tilt was 180 and that'swrong. That would make her head upsidedown! It wastilted at a right angle, which would be 90 degree (I wish I paid moreattention in geometry!). The tilt is not as pronounced asbefore, hopefully this is a good sign.
As for the kits, it was breaking my heart to have them seperated fromBiscuit. If anyone has followed my adventure, you know howmuch I've bragged about how good a mom and how much she enjoys herkits. And I am supposed to take that away at her darkestmoment? It would have been very hard on her AND herbabies. So I made the choice to keep the kits with her andtake the chances.
The vet adviced me not to breed Biscuit again or the kits ever and thatif I gave the kits to anyone I should inform them of the head tiltpossibility. She also told me not to breed the buck foranother eight weeks. I wasn't intended to breed them anyway,but wanted to tell the board in case anyone comes across this threadgoing through the same thing.
There is a wonderful article in the current issue of Rabbits Todayabout head-tilt. Very informative. Appearantly thisdisease is controversial and not fully understood. Newmedicines are being offered and new hope.
Thanks again everyone. I have to play catch-up todaybut will try to spend more time posting later.
Here's my update: Biscuit is still sick, but seems to havegotten a little least she isn't getting worse! Iput some oates and dried milk in the hutch for the kits to eat (yes Ihaven't removed the kits, more about that later) and she got up andchowed them down!
She can straighten her head but after a short while it drifts back toabout 45degrees. Up above I said her tilt was 180 and that'swrong. That would make her head upsidedown! It wastilted at a right angle, which would be 90 degree (I wish I paid moreattention in geometry!). The tilt is not as pronounced asbefore, hopefully this is a good sign.
As for the kits, it was breaking my heart to have them seperated fromBiscuit. If anyone has followed my adventure, you know howmuch I've bragged about how good a mom and how much she enjoys herkits. And I am supposed to take that away at her darkestmoment? It would have been very hard on her AND herbabies. So I made the choice to keep the kits with her andtake the chances.
The vet adviced me not to breed Biscuit again or the kits ever and thatif I gave the kits to anyone I should inform them of the head tiltpossibility. She also told me not to breed the buck foranother eight weeks. I wasn't intended to breed them anyway,but wanted to tell the board in case anyone comes across this threadgoing through the same thing.
There is a wonderful article in the current issue of Rabbits Todayabout head-tilt. Very informative. Appearantly thisdisease is controversial and not fully understood. Newmedicines are being offered and new hope.
Thanks again everyone. I have to play catch-up todaybut will try to spend more time posting later.