Emaciated/underweight bunny - Help!

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Oct 27, 2013
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I adopted my rabbit Wallace in May from a humane society. He was in good health when I got him and very active. I am a college student and was home with him all summer, but I went back to school in August. I trusted my dad to take care of my bun and gave him complete instructions for his care. I visit home every few weeks, and on my first visit after starting the semester, Wallace seemed fine. I remember thinking he seemed a little underweight, but not majorly. I visited again this weekend (three weeks later) and came home to find a skeletal rabbit. Every bone can be felt, it's as if he was starved. My dad assures me that he had been feeding him, but I wouldn't put it past him to forget. Also, it seemed that Wallace had been eating some of the thin plastic used to line the dog crate he's kept in. My dad said he had gotten very bloated a week or so ago, but then the bloating went away suddenly. I have rescued Wallace from my house and he's staying with my boyfriend much nearer to my college. I've been feeding Wallace timothy hay, small amounts of pellets and veggies, but what else should I be doing to help him get stronger and gain weight? He seems very weak and often sits in a pained position, very still, for amounts of time. Could there be damage from being so emaciated? I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it must have been really bad for him to be SO skinny.
Any tips would be appreciated!!!!
I would take him to the vet to make sure nothing else is going on. I wouldn't just assume that fattening him up is the answer because there could be something else wrong. Does he get unlimited hay? How much pellets does he get? Did they say how much they were feeding him while you were gone?
I agree, you need to take him to the vet asap! If he is in pain then there is something else wrong. It could have to do with not being fed properly( they can develop liver problems from it) or it could be another health problem like dental issues, e. cuniculi, etc. causing the weight loss. Coccidiosis is even a possibility with the bloat happening. If at all possible get him to a vet tonight. If he has stopped eating, it can't wait, he needs to be seen by a vet now. He sounds like he is in pretty bad shape. Make sure to mention to the vet about the bloating incident.

He has a good appetite and is eating his pellets and hay as well as drinking water. I plan on taking him to the vet soon. My dad said he had been feeding him pellets and dandelions/grass from outside. I don't know if he was doing that everyday, though.
Right now we're giving him limited pellets twice a day and unlimited hay and water.
If he's eating, pooping and peeing then make sure the vet checks him for parasites. Worms can cause a rabbit to lose weight and flesh condition even though they're eating.
Thanks! I think that might be the problem. How much do vets usually charge for parasite treatments?
I'm not sure, but you could call a couple to get prices. If the fecal is positive then Revolution is one option for treating. If it's negative then there's something else wrong.

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