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I'm not going tofight it. They had the sign posted. I do agree it was alearning experience, though. I'm really not the suing sort. LOL Shewasn't hurt, and she won't be going back.

One thing that also happened... I was inthere dropping her off (this should have been a warning sign) and therewas a woman in there complaining. They had spayed her cat, and then thecat went through two more heats. She brought the cat back to be spayedagain, "free of charge". Well, they spayed her, but then wouldn't givethe woman any pain medication for the can unless she paid forit. The woman didn't have any money with her, because she wastold it was "free" because they had messed up. She left in tears withher cat.

The next day when I was picking Elf up,another woman came in, livid about that cat. She was yellingat the receptionist about the horrible thing they had done, lettingthat cat go without any antibiotics. Well, she was so mad, Ididn't dare intervene and tell her it was pain medication, notantibiotics that they didn't give the cat. The receptionist didn'tadmit to that either. She said, "Oh, no, ma'am, it is standardprocedure for all animals to get antibiotics in shot form during (or isit after) a surgical procedure." The woman was still fuming when I wasfuming about Elf. They had a pretty hopping day in the reception areathat day. I'm sure I missed episode three when someone came back aboutthe cat and the missing PAIN meds.
Are you serious?? Someone should write to thestate about these people! How could they let any animal out of theirclinic without any pain meds after an invasive proceedure like that?


I'd say more, but need to keep it clean. I'm thinking many nasty words though!

Other than that, your bun is so gorgeous! :)
This is so bad there are no places on theinternet to put remarks about the vet service or even the familydoctor. You never know whose hands you are giving your animals oryourself to.
I made appointment at the vet clinic for saturday, but I just found iton the internet, so I have no idea if the doctor is bad or good.
oh even, I am going to find out at the vet if my rabbit was neutered or not. But how do I know the vet is telling me the truth?
What I don't understand is how they didn't spaythat cat right the first time? Call your local humane societyto see if there is anything that they can do. Or who you cancall. That lady had the right to sue! She paid forspaying I don't care if they did it for free the second time!There shouldn't of been a second time. Sounds like the vetisn't really a vet to begin with! You are very lucky you haveyour little bun at all. Makes me wonder how many other vetsare like this one!
A vet killed my Bunbun, who was aloving bouncy boy version of Elf. Wrong prescription. He suffered a lotfrom it, it stillmakes me mad--and careful!

Elf Mommy,beautiful pictures and great post. I think you made the best choicesyou could. It makes me furious too, what you and Elf went through. It'snot even so much the procedure (even though it is scary to have her gounder anesthesia) or the cost, it's more the feeling ofbetrayal. I think with a vet, maybe even more than humandoctors, we feel like everything is in their hands because there is somuch we don't understand. That they would break your trust and betrayyou that way is heart breaking. I wish you the best of luck in findingsomeone you can trust with your beloved Elf.


I think its the same with human doctors too. Theycan cause damage and you should try to understand what they do to you.My grandfather had to go to the hospital because the doctor stoppedgiving him pills he needed. My mom was so mad, she screamed at thedoctor, and he was just saying I am sorry.

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