Elf Pictures

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[align=center]She's getting a new coat so she's a lil scruffy, but she's still my big cuddlebunny![/align]
whoa! that is an awesome cage! i see dowls (sp?)attached to the edges...im assuming thats how you created support forit? i had to take down the third level of mine, b/c even with theconnectors in its still sagged from lack of support. Elf is a gorgeousbun. I love that color of coat!

Yes, there are dowels EVERYWHERE!!! I reallythought hubby was going a little nuts with them, but I guess it was agood thing, because there hasn't been much sagging at all. She adoresher cage, too. Even when her ramp is up and she's allowed free range ofthe living room/dining room, she still spends most of her time sprawledout on one level or another.

My daughter spent about 30 minutes standing in front of her cagepetting Elf's nose and back today. She put her hand under Elf's chin,and Elf nuzzled down and leaned her weight on Bethany as she continuedto stroke Elf's fur.

And those NOSE Kisses! I really can't live without them. I'm so luckyto have this bunny. I have to thank my son, who picked her out forme...the only orange bun bun in the bunch.
FreddysMom wrote:
at the risk of sounding dumb but i have to ask anyway...is aElf a flemmie or a pal? or am i just totally off? lol :)
She's not a Flemish...not quite big enough to qualify, but we're prettysure she's a palamino. :) I say "pretty sure" because she is from a petstore, so one never knows what was thrown in the mix.

See, you're right on target! :D
i think when im ready for my next rabbit itsgonna be a palomino...i know they arebig bunnies but i dontthink ill be afraid if we get aquainted while its a baby :)i dunno whybut i really like them..i think they are such a great looking breed!
FreddysMom wrote:
i think when im ready for my next rabbit its gonna be apalomino...i know they arebig bunnies but i dont think ill beafraid if we get aquainted while its a baby :)i dunno why but i reallylike them..i think they are such a great looking breed!

Freddysmom, Bub is so big and floppy when flipped over, like a livingtoy. You won't be afraid at all. They do squirm a bit, but you'll getused to that! Handling when young is very important.

Elf is so pretty!! I haven't seen her in awhile! Bub doesn't look thatdignified, especially with the ends of his ears flipping over.

Elf is a beautiful girl. She looks sograceful and dainty in her cage cleaning her foot - i liked that picthe most. Oh and just look at her ginormous cage!:shock:Wow! All she needs is a TV and a reclinerand she will have a fully furnished apartment lol.
Jenniblu wrote:
Elf is a beautiful girl. She looks so graceful anddainty in her cage cleaning her foot - i liked that pic themost. Oh and just look at her ginormous cage!:shock:Wow! All she needs is a TV and a reclinerand she will have a fully furnished apartment lol.

Thank you! Thank you! Things are crazy for me at the beginning of the school year, but I still have to get my snuggles in.

I loved Zee's collages of her buns, so I thought I'd try it with theElf pictures this time. :) Here she is from last night, hopping aroundthe living room and dining room...doing a little dog tormenting (hestill thinks she's a big fluffy toy, so we aren't letting them outtogether--maybe when he's a little older and calmer...). And yet, shestill adores her cage. She spends most of the time when she's"out"...relaxing in her palace. All of the pictures are clickable tosee them full-size. :)


Aww thank you! :) She continues to be asweetheart. She should get more attention, but the beginning of schoolis rough on this family for time. She gets her lil bit of love everyday...and some snuggles!
OK, no new pictures, because I was too busy holding her, but I thought I'd share a lil of our day.

Today was the local Arts Festival at the park down the street. I put Elf's pink harness and leash on and hopped on down. :)

Elf got LOTS of attention as we walked and looked at the artwork. Thekids played on the playground and Elf sat with me on the ground as thekids came up to pet her. Occasionally she would climb into my lap. Alittle 1 year old thought she was just the best thing and sat down nextto me on the ground and just gurgled with pleasure at Elf's everymovement.

After the festival, we went to a Mexican sidewalk cafe for dinner. Elfcontinued to attract lots of attention from the families sitting aroundus. When she wasn't lavished with love and pets, she mostly justenjoyed the fresh air, sprawled out at my feet.

My adorable rabbit was such a dream. I'm sure she's happy to be back inher cage as she did not pee or poo the entire time she was out. Gottalove my sweet and fuzzy bunny!


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