Elf Pictures!

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OK, by now you must be totally sated with Elf pictures :p. hehe

If she doesn't look like a princess, she certainly acts like one, Lanna! LOL
What a sweet little elfie!!! I love all thepictures, and I dont think anyone here could ever get too many picturesto look at of adorable little rabbits..... I love the cage too..... Itlooks like a rabbit paradise!
After all the picture taking, I settled myself onthe floor to be covered in bunny kisses and snuggle with Elf. Shegraciously allowed me to pet her for long periods of time--shoving hernose under my hand. Then I tranced her for a while and she coated myrobe with orange and white fur.

What a love :p
SHe's gorgeous! I'm so glad you postedthese! I hope you get a new digital camera soon! Iwant to see her coat and whiskers even clearer!

Hey, have you tried pulling the door up or off the litterbox? maybe that's why she won't use it?
She likes to nest in that litterbox. She takesall her hay in there, and bits of fur... I'm not sure if removing thedoor would help. I might try that. She likes to dig in there too.
The pictures are a lot of fun even with not so good quality. I feel like I spend some time with Elf. She is so adorable.
Do you find you receive better picture quality with Elf in the room ?

*grin grin*

Thank you for sharing, and I must agree even if you think the pictures are of poor quality-tiss time well spent :)
