Elf Photo Shoot

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thank you, Lanna :) that looks good!

Elf is working on demolishing the phone book more at the moment. :)Sometimes she takes a page at a time into her "nest". Sometimes shejust lines every part of her cage with pages. I think it's her favoritetoy :) hehe

She says thank you for all the compliments!
You're very welcome. LOL...I have so got to givesweet pea a phone book and see what she does with it. Elf looks soregal. I love her coloring and just the way she looks at you when youretaking these pics...like "Whadda ya want?" LOL
Oh, oh!!!!!... ....Look at my Elf!!!!!!!!! I justLOVE to see picturesof her. She's just so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Thanks for sharing these with us, ElfMommy! ... :D
I love this shot!


A face this beautiful should be framed and hung on the wall. Such a sweet and precious girl :D
What a cuttie, I can almost feel her rabbitality( bunny talk for personality) coming through those pics I loved them :):)