Elf in Stasis (RIP)

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Nope, this is a first for her. Not that she doesn't lay there doing nothing a lot, but I've never seen her move so sluggishly. At least she's taking what I give her. She still hasn't finished the greens that I put on the bottom of the cage. I've also never seen her have the hard, small poops before. They've always been healthy round poops.
I'll try to take her out again in another 30 minutes or so...see if she'll hop around. She hasn't gone into her litter box at all yet. I glance over every few seconds at her cage.
she probably is dehydrated.
I would work on getting pedialyte into her without stressing her out a lot .. even if it is just a few cc's or so every hour or few hour

and repeat the simethicone in an hour or so
but not right now

Is she caged all day or could she have gotten a hold of something in the house and eaten it...???
She's caged all day when we're at work and out and about in the evenings and the weekends...and more during the summer and on breaks when I'm home. There's always the possibility that she got into something yesterday and I didn't notice. :( :(
You can use a bowl from the kitchen too until you get a crock. Definitely get some Bene-Bac. I know PetSmart sells it in the dog/cat medication/supplement aisle.

C'mon, Elfy!
Just in case...

start trying to look around so you could think if she might have gotten into something like eaten part of a plant or something
although I'm not trying to scare you

she probably is just in beginning stasis
Poor Elf, I will say a prayer that he gets better real soon.

I know how scarey it is to us Mommies and Daddies when one of our babies get sick,

Susan :sickbunny:
Well, I don't have any plants, so it's not that. I do have paper around, so it's possible she ingested some of that. When she hopped up on the china cabinet the other night, she chewed a plastic bag. I just checked it. There is a hole in it the size of a centimeter in diameter. That could be it, yes?
I gave her more pedialyte. She lay with me on the couch for a long while and I rubbed her belly. She is back in her cage now. No pee, no poops.
If this continues like this you should take her to the vet tomorrow. I think that if you continue to give her pedialyte , pineapple juice, simethicone (about 3 total doses) and get some benebac that if it is stasis that over time you could get her out of it but we aren't sure that its primarily stasis or stasis created as a secondary problem from something else.

How is she now any better/??:expressionless