Elderly rabbit, fir matts.

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Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Central , Ohio, USA
Hi, my 13 year old Rex bun Cookie has matts in a sensitive area.
Can anyone recommend some clippers so that I can trim that for him? I think it's making him uncomfortable. I tried cutting it with scissors but that is going to hurt him if I persist. I CAN'T take him to the vet to get it done anymore. One more ride in the car will probably kill him. I have to give him his Adequan injections at home. He's getting pretty frail and we try not to stress him out.
He also has wax build up in his ears. I put some dog ear cleaner drops in his ears and gave his ears a good rub. When he starts shaking his head I wrestle him down and remove what wax I can see and reach with a q-tip. Can any one recommend a better way?
I've ordered a matt comb and some spray but i think I need some clippers too.
Cookie doesn't have a cage. He resides in his own fenced off area of our living room with his own pile of rugs. He still loves his hay, greens, food and toys. He's a bit incontinent at times but other wise seems to be still enjoy life a great deal.
Thanks for any help.
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I would recommend not using clippers. When I've used them (actually my pro dog groomer friend did the clipping) we did not go down to the skin. It's really hard to do that, especially with super-fine rabbit fur. Rex fur would be worse.

I think your best bet is to use blunt-ended grooming scissors and do tiny little cuts while someone else holds the bun for you. It's a good idea to start grooming that area daily with a fine comb. It's probably matted because he's not agile enough to reach it any more.
I used my mustache and beard trimmer to clean up one of our buns with someone else holding. Just a bit at a time. Most of the others I've been able to pull the mats apart by hand and brush them out.
If you do clip it, I agree with the suggestion that you should groom the area on a daily or alternate daily basis to prevent the matts from forming.
I would recommend not using clippers. When I've used them (actually my pro dog groomer friend did the clipping) we did not go down to the skin. It's really hard to do that, especially with super-fine rabbit fur. Rex fur would be worse.

I think your best bet is to use blunt-ended grooming scissors and do tiny little cuts while someone else holds the bun for you. It's a good idea to start grooming that area daily with a fine comb. It's probably matted because he's not agile enough to reach it any more.

Thanks for the reply.
We've already gotten off all we can with the scissors.
We had him clipped by the vet the last time he was there.
You are correct, he can't groom himself down there anymore.
I'm worried about him getting urine scald down there from constantly having the matts soaked with urine.
Actually I'm the only one who can hold Cookie. Also, he lets go a big stream of pee every time I pick him up now.

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