Well-Known Member
whaleyk98 wrote:
How big are the little ones now? I haven't seen pictures in awhile! *pouts*
I have never had baby bunnies, but for awhile I did breed Russian Dwarf Hamsters. When the babies were super little, I would start handling them (prior to their eyes opening). When they would start to nip, I would make sure my hands were washed thoroughly. If they started to nip after hand-washing, I would put lotion on. They didn't like the taste, so they would stop...So I have a question. The babies seem to wanna bite everything in site. I didnt have this problem with her first litter...they were kissers. These babies nibble and doI stop this? I know they are babies but they need to know not to do this. Any ideas????
How big are the little ones now? I haven't seen pictures in awhile! *pouts*