Edmonton Humane Society

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Update at the shelter. Another bunch of bunnies are going to be turned over to the shelter. The numbers are kept quiet.

The last time (in April) the shelter was overwhelmed by hundreds of rabbitsthat was surrendered to them.Ten daysago, Jan broke the news to me that a house full of rabbits might be turned in. The house and living conditionswere horrific. The shelter had been in contact with the EARS club and plans were being made on how this would be handled. This timeshelter decided to allow a dozen rabbits to be turned in at a timeand so they don't have to put out a plea from the public for help. Over the next few weeks, more and more bunnies will be turning up. As of today, 30 bunnies are at the shelter.

And congratulations to Laura. She was one of the first to adopt one of these bunnies last Saturday.
Stan, I was so hoping that this wouldn't happen. I know there are a LOT of bunnies at this house. If they are only taking a dozen at a time, are the rest still going to have to live in those conditions:(?

I am so pleased that Laura got that little cutie. I hope the others are as lucky!

LuvaBun wrote:
If they are only taking a dozen at a time, are the rest still going to have to live in those conditions:(?
I was shuttering at the thought of another mass intake of bunnies to the shelter when you firstcalled me about the news. It was emotionally draining and heartbreaking for the helpers and workers at the last surrender when they had to decide which bunny was adoptable and which one was too sick to be put down.

The EARS club was set to come in on Tuesday (October 21) to do the seizure/surrender and I was not able to discuss the matter until the seizure had happened. However the shelter decided to allow the owner to surrender a dozen animals at a time to avoid such a influx of rabbits for adoption, and the EARS club was not needed to help out. This way the shelter would be able to handle as much as it can, while working things out with the owner.


Here is Bruno, a femaleadult spayed Dutch cross. She is a featured pet of the week on TV. Yes the shelter is bringing rabbits back on TV to promote adoptions. Bruno is a very cuddly bunny and very easy to handle. Shewas not part of the surrender that just occurred, but she has been at the shelter since September or longer.

There were two more baby bunnies from a litter of four that theshelter had on TV for adoptions today. They did not havenamesfor them. So if you check their website, there are bunnies not posted, but are at the shelter. Once again the shelter is emphasizing spay and neuter your bunnies.They will try to do as muchspaying and neutering to the bunnies that are coming in.
Bruno would be a lovely addition to my Dutch train!!!!! I am soooo in love with those blue eyes. Could she visit Wisconsin forever....?


Here are two more bunnies available for adoption. They are the ones at the shelter before this latest surrender that came in.


Max, a young adult male, Lion Head cross.


Pickles, a young female, rabbit cross.
Pickles is PERFECT!!!! I just want to reach into the screen and kiss that white spot on her nose! :big kiss:
tonyshuman wrote:
Pickles is PERFECT!!!! I just want to reach into the screen and kiss that white spot on her nose!

Pickles is still at the shelter today. She is one of 30+ rabbits available for adoption. There are more in the back (nursing mothers and babies).

Later today, the shelter is going to take another 30 bunnies in from the surrender. They will be making an announcement for the public's help.
I love Max. He really stole my heart when I was there to adopt Naomi. He kept sticking his nose out the bars and wanting attention. He was so sweet!

I wish I had more time so I could foster a rabbit.

I hope the public is as generous this time around as they were last time. And I hope they all get great homes! I'm just a little worried that with 2 large seizures in one year that the good home supply may be running short. :(
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
I love Max. He really stole my heart when I was there to adopt Naomi.
Max was a feature Bunny on Friday's TV showcase. It really increases their chances for adoption when the animals (dogs, cats and rabbits)are on TV.


Korr_and_Sophie wrote:
I want him.
Max is still there. :ponder:

Here is Aloha....




Aloha is an adult female, Holland Lop cross.
She had diarrhea when she was first brought in. Then she had several days with no stool.
But now everything has settled and she is normal.