Edmonton Humane Society

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This area is in the back hallway.



Whoa! Look at all the harlequins and lionhead mixes! Hopefully their smallish size and unique looks will attract a lot of adopters. Oh man if only I had some space...
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I hope to take the one on the right home after she has been spayed! I figured with all the horrible and unfortunate things that we saw, I should at least adopt one! There are so many gorgeous, friendly rabbits there waiting for homes it is heartbreaking!
I will be taking a full bale of Timothy hay (I split it into 3 sections to be more managable) and a box full of newspapers in on Monday. I'm thinking I might stop at the dollar store and pick up about 20 or so of those little cylindrical cattoys with bells in them. My bunnies love to toss those around.
Oh goodness, what beautiful rabbits they are. They look like they are in fairly good condition -is that true? Just out of curiosity, are they being adopted out as neutered/spayed?

John will be taking me there tomorrow, and I'll pick up some wood pellets (Stan, Home Hardware does do them at $4.99 for a 40lb bag :)), some hay, newspapers, pellets etc.

It's going to be hard to walk away from them :(. TarynH, that is one very pretty girl - I am so glad she is getting a good home :)

They are trying to netuer and spay as many as they can, but obviously that is a very daunting task. The babies and young juniors are being adopted without being fixed, due to their age.
I know that they have asked the Edmonton Vet Community to assist in neutering and spaying these rabbits, but so far no one has volunteered their time and expertise.
My Husband and I will be travelling to Calgary to pick up donations for the Edmonton Humane Society tomorrow. I think that alot of people have donated supplies which is great, 100 rabbits need alot!
The ones that are up for adoption are in good condition. They are all being monitored for health very closely.
Unfortunately, as I am sure you can imagine, they weren't all in good condition when they arrived at the Shelter. 70 rabbits had to be euthanized due to sickness and significant injuries. (I'm not sure if that was already mentioned).
LuvaBun, thanks she is beautiful. She was one of the last rabbits I went through we were admitting them and she had some behaviour issues. She just needed a hug and she calmed down right away!
TarynH wrote:
My Husband and I will be travelling to Calgary to pick up donations for the Edmonton Humane Society tomorrow.
Please note, Taryn and her husband will be picking up donations at the Rabbit Show in the Calgary area tomorrow. All you Calgary people, you can catch the SARBA Spring Rabbit Show at the Chestermere Regional Recreation Centre and leave a donation there. It will be a Three Open All Breed Show, so if you haven't seen a show yet or want to see some excellent qualitybreeds, here is your chance.
I hear there is some Flemish Giants that are going to be there,and I can't go. :tantrum:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I like this one! So regal-looking! It's amazing how many blue-eyed bunnies and otherwise adorable bunnies there are in this batch. I'm glad you got some $$ from HRS and that people are reaching out to you!! Good luck!!
What's their policy on adoptions from other countries? lol, I live in Michigan, and I'm still in love with Thumper ;)


Evey wrote:
What's their policy on adoptions from other countries? I live in Michigan, and love Thumper ;)


Thumper was still there yesterday. :) They moved her out to the main office area.
I think you have to be there in person to adopt an animal, as you have to fill out forms and they do a short interview with you.
I volunteer at the EHS as a critter cuddler. I was shocked when I went in on Thursday to find bunnies covering every wall and corner. According to the volunteer list 53 were already available for adoption on the 24th.

I got to take Clover out to play for a bit and he(can't remember if it was a boy or girl) was very nice but quite timid. He had no problem sitting on my lap and being petted but he wasn't too keen on exploring when I put him down.He prefered to hide under my chair butI"m sure once he settles in he won't be so freaked out. He was very cute.

I was surprised at how friendly the rescued bunnies actually were. They would come right up to you when you opened the cage. The ones I handled were quite easy to pick up and pet. I would have thought that bunnies like these would be a lot less social. I guess thats one blessing as it will make adoptions easier.

The EHS is now considered a "no kill shelter" so that means they only put down animals that are sick or have severe behavioral problems. They won't put down an animal just becuase it isn't getting adopted.
Welcome to the forum Degrassi! :welcome1

So glad you could join and update us. How often do you go to the shelter for cuddling? I'msure they need more cuddlers now.:) What does it take to volunteer?


Here is Clover. Clover is a Male Mini Lop Cross. He is already fixed.

When I was there (Thursday), I was taking pictures through the cage bars. I didn't want to touch or handle the rabbits, because I wanted to see every bunny. Later the staff told me I could open the doors to take a picture and I found how friendly they were, and very curious. They wanted to stick their heads out of the cages, but none of them attempted to jump out when I took their pictures. :D

If you could, pass out our website forum to any potential bunny adopter at the shelter and they can come here for help and information. :)
I go every Thursday from 5-7pm to take the bunnies out to play. So if you are ever there during that time keep an eye out for me. I'm very tall 6'4" so i'm easy to spot ;)

They are in need of more cuddlers. I think there is only a couple of us that do the critters, everyone always wants to do the cats and dogs instead. The bunnies definately dont' get out enough with the amount of critter cuddlers we have now and now that there is SOOOOO many bunnies it will mean even less time out of the cages.

To become a volunteer is easy. Just email or mail in the volunteering form on the website. Then you have to attend a orientation. Then you can start :)

Your allowed to touch the bunnies and open cages but you are supposed to sanitize your hands between touching each bunny. Don't want the bunnies spreading diseases to eachother. The EHS already had to deal with disease spreading through the cats this year. Definately not fun to deal with.
Well, I went today to drop off some hay, pellets, toys etc and ended up being there 2 hours :D. John got called in to work and had to leave me there until he came to collect me, so I spent lots of time looking at the bunnies.

There are some really beautiful rabbits. Degrassi, I saw Clover - he is a sweetie. And yes, they do seem really friendly, if a bit shy. Lots of people were looking, and when I was there a couple of rabbits (not from this new batch) were adopted (Thelma and Louise) and Bunny Bunny had also gone :). It was soooo tempting to take a couple home :(. I really hope they do find forever homes really soon!

Thats fantasitc! I got to spend some time with Thelma and she was awesome! Very friendly and outgoing. I'm sure her new family loves her and louise :)

Its so hard not taking some home yourself. I probably would adopt one but I have enough of a zoo as it is and I don't know how my Gimpy would react to a friend.

I've thought of becoming a foster mom. I still live at home so i'd need the family's approval. My parents thought it might be something we could try. I think next time I go down to the SPCA i'll ask about it a bit more. I know with all these new bunnies they are probably in desprate need of some temp bunny homes, especially if some of the new buns are pregnant.
LuvaBun wrote:
when I was there a couple of rabbits (not from this new batch) were adopted (Thelma and Louise) and Bunny Bunny had also gone :).

Aww, Thelma and Louise, the lovely couple got a new home. :clapping:


Bunny Bunny the 2 year old spayed Dutch cross has a forever home. :yahoo: