Well, we just got back from a spur-of-the-moment visit to the Edmonton Humane Society, and we had a nice time!
I broke down upon seeing a couple Trixie bunnies, so I'm not anywhere near being able to adopt anyone for a while (not to mention, we're not in any situation to be able to yet...I want to move, have everyone settled in, and have Teddy and Cinnamon "fixed" before we adopt).
What a BEAUTIFUL facility, though! It was really gorgeous, and each type of animal had its own perfectly suited area to live in. The kitties have social rooms where they hang out in a big group, and there are tons of toys, places to jump up, places to climb. It was great!
Not to mention, people are allowed to go into these rooms and socialize with them, which the kitties obviously LOVED.
There were all sorts of really neat things about the building. I really loved visiting!
Once we get a second vehicle, I'll want to volunteer a couple days a week. I also wanted to take Em along to help, but they have an age limit on volunteers of, I believe, 13yrs...so that's something that can't be done right now. Maybe I can arrange to do it while Em's at school, or some such.
Wow...really neat experience...and the buns look really content! And they're SO CUTE!! Canada was so much more gorgeous in person. And there was a broken tort lop there that had ears that looked as if the bun had been in a tussle at one point...I so badly wanted to take that bun and Canada home! Such adorable sweeties!