So very sorry you lost her. :tears2:
It really was unexpected. You were doing everything right, the advice here was solid.
Unfortunately, a gut slowdown is always a symptom of something else -- something as simple as an accumulation of hair from a molt, or something more dire, like cancer, and all points in between.
I really wish they would have done a necropsy, because I'm sure they would have found cancer or some other internal issue. Bunnies don't slowly deteriorate with most ailments like that. They just stop eating and fade away.
I've lost one rabbit to cancer, he went from being perfectly fine to gone in 18 hours. He failed his treat test, had a very slight head tilt, and died at the ER vet's office hours after seeing his regular vet. I had gotten him in right away, but it didn't and couldn't have helped. The necropsy showed stomach cancer that had spread to his liver.
I honestly don't think you could have done anything better than what you did. Your care of her was awesome. You did absolutely everything right.
I know it won't bring her back. But you couldn't have saved her. I'm sure of that.
:rip: Edie
sas :sad: