Edie hasnt eaten today & just failed the treat test (RIP)

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Putting the bunny on a dryer is a really normal thing to do for a bunny with gas or stasis. If she had died of fright, it would have been immediate and there wouldn't have been anything you could have done--it would have been a heart attack. I've never heard of a bunny getting anything more than a bit upset by being on the dryer.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Poor little Edie. When my two bunnies died, I liked to imagine them running around in heaven with lots of other bunnies. Maybe thinking about something like that will bring a small amount of joy? You were a great bunny mom and Edie was a wonderful girl. I remember you joined the forum shortly after I did and I've enjoyed watching Edie these past 2 years.
I really didn't expect this to happen either...
I am so very sorry :bigtears::(

You did the very best that you could to save her.

Iam so sorry that you lost her ....:tears2:
So very sorry you lost her. :tears2:

It really was unexpected. You were doing everything right, the advice here was solid.

Unfortunately, a gut slowdown is always a symptom of something else -- something as simple as an accumulation of hair from a molt, or something more dire, like cancer, and all points in between.

I really wish they would have done a necropsy, because I'm sure they would have found cancer or some other internal issue. Bunnies don't slowly deteriorate with most ailments like that. They just stop eating and fade away.

I've lost one rabbit to cancer, he went from being perfectly fine to gone in 18 hours. He failed his treat test, had a very slight head tilt, and died at the ER vet's office hours after seeing his regular vet. I had gotten him in right away, but it didn't and couldn't have helped. The necropsy showed stomach cancer that had spread to his liver.

I honestly don't think you could have done anything better than what you did. Your care of her was awesome. You did absolutely everything right.

I know it won't bring her back. But you couldn't have saved her. I'm sure of that.

:rip: Edie

sas :sad:
The reason I say it might have been the dryer is b/c when I put her up there, she was fine (not really anymore lethargic than she had been all evening). Then she freaked out and almost jumped off and I had to grab her 3 times before I could get a good hold on her enough to get her off. When I did, I put her down in her pen and she fell over...and that was the beginning of the end...so now I'm wondering if maybe I grabbed her too hard and damaged her spine or something. If so, then I feel like I killed her...I wish I could take that moment back and then see what would have happened. My poor sweet bun...
Late last night, I went in her empty cage and sat down and just cried and talked to her for about 30 minutes. I think it really helped me. I feel better today. I have to remember that she must have known how much I loved her based on how much she trusted me and gave me bunny kisses...seriously, she would lick me for hours while I held her. At least I was there for her in the end. I still miss her like crazy. Wednesday, I found Presley (my 5.5 month old daughter)a bunny costume that I was going to have her wear while I took pics of her and Bun Bun together. Now, I'm thinking it will be Presley's Halloween costume as a tribute to my sweet Edie. I'm also thinking of becoming a foster mom for bunnies. Its a shame that that cage I build sit empty. I'm sure another bun would love it as much as Edie did. Here is a picture of it.


And a close up of Edie enjoying it...

Wow her cage is amazing.. I wish that I had enclosures similar to that one..:)

Idoubt very much that you injured her on the dryer...

It seems like all of us want to blame ourselves when our bunnies die ( including me) and it takes another person to point out that most likely it would have occured anyway.
Some of the forum members have had necropsies performed on their rabbits and learned that there was a problem that did not show externally but was internal and serious.

These very people were initally blaming themself for the death in one way or another.

Please be kind to yourself .

It is very inlikely that you hurt her; we are all grabbing our bunnies one way or another and this doesn't happen.
She most likely was more seriously ill than we knew ..and she was having issues that showed.

Ithink that it would be great for you to foster...and during the foster process you might find a rabbit that you would like to adopt
Thanks guys. I appreciate your kind words. I didn't feel that I grabbed her too hard, but it was just so odd that she started losing control so rapidly after that happened. I really really would hate to think that it was me that caused it. That makes me feel better to think that you guys doubt that was the cause. Lord, I really miss her. I never realized how much she made me smile.
I sincerely hope you foster more bunnies. There truly isn't a better home or caregiver.

Edie was lethargic, her energy was draining out of her as whatever was happening internally took its toll. Even willingly taking the food was a sign of a bunny with little energy, but probably not one in a lot of pain. She didn't really have the pain and discomfort symptoms of a bunny with a normal stasis issue. It really makes more sense that she had something else going on, like organs shutting down.

The effort it took for her to try and jump from the dryer just drained what little energy was left -- maybe a few minutes sooner than it might have otherwise, but she was fading.

I honestly don't think you could have or should have done anything differently.

I hope somebunny down the road will make you smile again.

sas :cry2
Thanks, Pipp. I'm already looking into a volunteer foster organization here. I'm going to wait a couple of weeks to let my heart heal, but fostering will be a great thing for me (and my baby daughter). I think I will foster a pair of buns. I always felt like Edie was lonely. :(

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