Eats her litter

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Meganc731 wrote:
I like the screen idea!

Here's a link to how I made our litterbox.LitterBox

This is a great idea Megan!!!

Now I need a way to fasten the box to the cage so the buns can't tossit around. For now I drilled some small holes and use nylon cable ties.It's kind of a pain and the ties can only be used once and then youhave to cut them off.

I tried a few other things like sandwich bag ties and small gaugeelectric wire, but the buns have managed to chew through those in shorttime.

I need something easy, reusable, and bunnie-proof.

Anything??!! Anybun??!!

:~) Jim

JimD wrote:
I need something easy, reusable, and bunnie-proof.

Anything??!! Anybun??!!

:~) Jim

My litter boxes are made by Super Pet and are called "Long John" theyare the corner type. They have pegs that go through the sideof the cage and clips to hold them there. (It doesn'tdescribe them very well.) Marshalls also makes a new litterbox that is square and larger and has the same type of hookingmechanism.

You can find both, including pictures at:


JimD wrote:
cirrustwi wrote:
I must tryWoody Pet. It sounds like the best option....

Yes you must....


Yes it is!


:~) Jim
Just when I had gave up all hope, he stopped eating thelitter!!!Some questions about the Woody Pet -- Whathappens when it gets wet? The Yesterday's News stays prettysolid. Does the Woody Pet stay solid or does it crumble intosawdust?
Jenniblu wrote:
Just when I had gave up all hope, he stopped eating thelitter!!!Some questions about the Woody Pet -- Whathappens when it gets wet? The Yesterday's News stays prettysolid. Does the Woody Pet stay solid or does it crumble intosawdust?

It should break down into sawdust.

Where the bun pees usually forms kind of a clump of moist sawdust, butthe pee is absorbed so quickly that it usually doesn't even reach thebottom of our litter pans.

:~) Jim
It is a fluffy sawdust, and it doesn't even stickto the litter box. The most saturated part is what I scoopaway. Then I just stir and mix in new stuff. Andthere is no bad smell.

Hint: Do you know that you can use it as a floor dry.

Rainbows! :)

Hey I had that same promblem with Thumpereating her Litter,So I just put some of her bedding in her littlerBox.Now she uses it without any problem. It worked for me It might workfor you. Hope it does

Ashley and Thump3r!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Hint: Do you know that you can use it as a floor dry.

Rainbows! :)
LOL...yes I did, but I didn't want to admit it to anyone.

People already think I have a obsession with Woody Pet!!

It also works pretty good on icy steps or sidewalks if you run out ofthe stuff you're supposed to use. It breaks down and gives you prettygood traction. I found this out by it was!

:~) Jim
JimD wrote:
Now I need a way to fasten the box to the cage so the buns can't tossit around. For now I drilled some small holes and use nylon cable ties.It's kind of a pain and the ties can only be used once and then youhave to cut them off.

Hey Jim,

How big is your biggest bun? Mr. Wiggles in 9 pounds and tossed his oldlitter pan around like nothing, but for some reason he can't seem tomove this one. Anyway have you seen these clips?

PETsMART- Super Pet Universal Cage Clips

I used these with his old pan and they worked great. The nice thingabout the new pan is that it's so tall that these could go down loweron the box away from where the bun's can chew on them.

Hi Megan,

I think those might work. I've got the standard large, high-back cornerpans. This pic is the small size and has little hooks to fasten it tothe cage. The large size does not have the fasteners.


And then I've made one out of a plastic shoe box.

So, do you put the clipson the wire... and then put the pan in place?

Does the clip stay on the wire when the pan is removed?

Do you think I'll have any problem with the pans that have angled sides?

The price is right and I've got a PetSmart close by. I'll probably stop by this week and pick up a couple of sets.

I think they'll work on just about anything! Iused them on bowls one time :) Getting them lined up the first time canbe tricky but is much easier if you have a helping hand. You'llprobably only need to use 2 on one side of the pan. To take the panoff, open the clips and unhook it from the cage, the clips stay gluedto the pan. I thought they were the neatest little gadgets I'd seen :)

Oh, by the way, what kind of cage do you have? I have the NIC type, ifthat's what you have, I found it easiet to place one clip opening down,and one clipopening sideways.

Hi Megan!

We've got Wabbitat cages for our bunnies.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to arrange the clips to line up with the cage wires.

We will be having our neighbor coming over to tend to the warren whilewe are on vacation, and I just want it to be as easy as possible tochange the litter pans.


:~) Jim
omg the look on that bunnys face is priceless ,
Looks like she is saying " Hey a little privacy here lmso
I need something easy, reusable, and bunnie-proof.

Heres a sneaky trick i used on the ferrets lol
get asmall bolt washers to fit and a nut to hold it all together drill holejust big enough for the bolt to pass thru put the washer on the thehead side of the bolt and another on the threaded end put thru wire oncage and then another washer big enough to secure it to the cage . makesure you washers will fit securely to the wire so the bunns cant pullthe whole closing thru the wires . It works like a charm no more ferretpoopis scattered hither and yon
gypsy wrote:
Heres a sneaky trick i used on the ferrets lol
get a small bolt washers to fit and a nut to hold it all together drillhole just big enough for the bolt to pass thru put the washer on thethe head side of the bolt and another on the threaded end put thru wireon cage and then another washer big enough to secure it to the cage .make sure you washers will fit securely to the wire so the bunns cantpull the whole closing thru the wires . It works like a charm no moreferret poopis scattered hither and yon
This is basically what my litter boxes do. They are great,but I have to say that sometimes my crazy fuzzes can get it unhookedfrom their cage. The "washers" with mine are plastic andsometimes they are able to pull and pull until they strip the threads,so I just added a metal nut behind the "washers". These arealso avaliable at PetsMart.

Bumping up for PepperGrl........on litter and litter boxes.

Iuse Woody Pet. It is a wood product andturns to a fluffy sawdust when wet. It controls odors verywell, and you don't have to change it that often.It cost $5.00 for a 30lb. bag and it willlast for 2- 3 months for mybunny! Only problem, is that Ihave 10bags of it in thebasement. :p lol

This is what I do to keep Pebbles from getting into the litter:

The plasticscreen is cut to fit the litter box. Other people have different screens and methods too.

I put about 1/2 an inch of Woody Pet on the bottomof the litter box, and the screen sits on top of the WoodyPet.

The poop stays on top of the screen and the pee drainsthrough. I am able to lift the screen out and dump the poopout, so the poop doesn't get into thelitter. Then I scoop the wet litter outwith a large kitchen spoon and throw that out. I stir in newWoody Pet, and mix it so the moisture is absorbed by the dryWoody Pet. That also freshens up the contents without havingto throw out the whole thing.

Rainbows! :)


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