eating rabbits!!

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Yeah, I pretty much don't judge anyone foreating rabbit, as long as they don't talk about eating MY rabbits, orthier PET rabbits, then I'm fine.

I eat meat, so I can't really get offended whensomeone eats rabbit. I don't eat it, and never will. I DO hate thepeople who know that you havepet bunny and have to bring upthat they LOVE to eat rabbit. That to me seems like they are trying tobother you. I do lay into those people, hard. It is one of thosethings, like the death penalty, or abortion, you aren't changing them,and they aren't changing you.

I don't ever want to own a cow, because I know that then I will beunable to eat burgers. I want to get some chickens, but I just wanttheir eggs, they can livetheir whole life in the coop. Idon't think I could kill my own food, unless something like a ZombieApacalypse happened.

I still wouldn't eat rabbit though.

I don't ever want to own a cow, because I know that then I will be unable to eat burgers.
Yes, that's the way I am too (some farmers we would've made, huh!).Several years ago I attended a computer course for a few months, andevery day I cycled through the city's Experimental Farm in order to getthere. The bike path went past a field where the Holsteins grazed. Onthe way home I'd always stop for a few moments to watch them; they wereso graceful and beautiful. After doing this for about a week, one ofthe cows became curious and approached the fence...and from on then wewere friends. I'd arrive at the fence, put my bike down, and she'd comewalking over. She would love to be scratched on her neck and under herchin (just like a big black and white dog), and I felt bad whenever Ihad to leave, as she would follow me the entire length of the pasturefence...and then would stand and stare as I cycled away. I lovecows...they are full of personality and gentleness. :)

I don't think I could kill my own food, unless something like a Zombie Apacalypse happened.

Have you ever seen the movie, 'Fido'? When I read what you wrote itreminded me of this one. If you enjoy schlocky movies, rent's hilarious! It's set back in the 50s, and zombies had runamok...until the town devised a way to keep them under control. Theones that were captured were turned into house servants...and the story(which is a very weird comedy) revolves around a little boy named Timmywho becomes friends with the family's zombie servant. It's a bit goreyin a zombie-kinda way, but funny too.
Bassetluv wrote:
The bike path went past a field where the Holsteins grazed.On the way home I'd always stop for a few moments to watch them; theywere so graceful and beautiful. I love cows...they are full ofpersonality and gentleness.
I love Holsteins, too. (Maybe that's why I have two black and white moo cow bunnies!)

I didn't realize how HUGE Holsteins are until I visited my sister a fewyears ago. She lives near some dairy farmers. Sheknew how much I loved Holsteins, so one day, she took me out, stoppedthe car and we got out to see them. I got one to come up tothe fence and I fed her some grass. I was inheaven!
I know! They are massive creatures. Big soulfuleyes, and the biggest, wettest noses I've ever seen! (Ever haveone lick you? Slime city...LOL)
There IS a diffrence between a pet bunny and arabbit.A pet bunny has a name and is loved.A meat rabbit is food.I'dnever eat my grandad's pet cow.Would you?Why not?That hamburger you hadlast was a cow.There is a diffrence.I know its hard to understand.I caneven understand why people eat dog meat.I just dont agree with the waythey slauter the animal.
Even though, it upsets me, it is just likeeating chicken. But I would never eat it. I can't eat an animal that Ikeep as a pet. My mum whants a pet chicken - but I enjoy grilledchicken and chicken jerky. It would be very weird.
But there are ways that rabbits are slaughted that is absolutly horrifiying and inhumain.
My brother and grand pappy hunt wild rabbits for food - but there'sreally nothing I can do. They do make jokes about my rabbits, though.They'll be like, "I should take Bun-Bun hunting - he can help train myhounds." I really find no laughter about it. But I can't be a bitch tomy family members.
I've eaten rabbit. My grandma raised them asmeat animals. She treated them very well and they were very well takencare of, but there was never an illusion that they were pets.I grew up knowing that the pig, the goat, the chicken and the rabbitwould one day end up on my plate.

My parents taught me the difference between a pet and food when I wasvery little. My grandma stopped breeding rabbits for food about 6 yearsago. This was way before I had Loki. To be honest with you, I reallydon't see anything wrong with eating livestock. I would never eatsomeone's pet, but I'm a meat eater. Plain and simple.

That much is true..Pets and livestock aremajorly different. My mom had cows growing up, and a few were cows tobe butchered..She couldn't eat their own cows, hurt her too much.
To my knowledge I haven't had rabbit, but I haveno problem with people eating them. Like others have said, myonly problem with eating any animal is how they are raised andkilled.

Also, for those of you who were discussing biblical implications, wediscussed the following passage in my theology class. To usit essentialy meant that eating what in Jewish tradition wereconsidered "unclean" animals was okay because God cleanses allanimals.

"10:9About noon[suP]22[/suP]the next day, while they were on their way and approaching[suP]23[/suP]the city, Peter went up on the roof[suP]24[/suP]to pray.10:10He became hungry and wanted to eat, but while they were preparing themeal, a trance came over him.[suP]25[/suP]10:11He[suP]26[/suP]saw heaven[suP]27[/suP]opened[suP]28[/suP]and an object something like a large sheet[suP]29[/suP]descending,[suP]30[/suP]being let down to earth[suP]31[/suP]by its four corners.10:12In it[suP]32[/suP]were all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles[suP]33[/suP]of the earth and wild birds.[suP]34[/suP]10:13Then[suP]35[/suP]a voice said[suP]36[/suP]to him, “Get up, Peter; slaughter[suP]37[/suP]and eat!”10:14But Peter said, “Certainly not, Lord, for I have never eaten anythingdefiled and ritually unclean!”[suP]38[/suP]10:15The voice[suP]39[/suP]spoke to him again, a second time, “What God has made clean, you mustnot consider[suP]40[/suP]ritually unclean!”[suP]41[/suP]10:16This happened three times, and immediately the object was taken up intoheaven.[suP]42"Acts 10: 9-16[/suP]
When I was a child I remember my babysitter'shusband showing me a gun, and they told me they were going rabbithunting. Afterwards we ate the rabbit and I didn't think anything ofit. In fact, I quite enjoyed it.

Knowing that is quite horrible to me now, actually!!

When I was a bit older a friend's dad cooked rabbit stew and I ate it,but by that time I felt funny about eating rabbits, even though I knewI'd eaten rabbit before...

NOW, eating rabbit would be like eating cat...I couldn't do it!!

I don't like jokes about "rabbit stew" but I usually just say ha ha...and let it go. It's not worth kicking up a stink about!!

My father in law was telling us a couple of weeks ago that he made somejoke to a lady who owned rabbits about rabbit stew and she got reallyupset with him!! I told him I didn't blame her :) My husband grew up ona farm where rabbits were pests so he grew up shooting them...I toldhim that he's never, ever allowed to kill another bunny!! (Althoughwhen there were rabbits on the farm with myxo I was happy for him tokill them, as they were going to suffer more if they weren't put out oftheir misery quickly :()

Anyway, I try not to be too judgemental about what people eat, as we were all raised differently and have different beliefs...

EDIT: Ha ha...I just realised I posted this as my bunny not me :)

Of course, he'd be saying..."EAT RABBIT!!! How disgusting!! Shame on rabbit eaters!"
It creul to eat any animals, but the truth is weeat basically every single animals on this planet. I am not kidding.From bugs to whales. If dinosaurus was alive we eat them too.
Legacygirl, I don't think it is cruel.I think it is survival. Survival of the fittest infact. Now that does not mean we have a right to be cruel toanimals while they are alive or to overeat any animal. I donot agree with the killing of an animal that is not going to be usedfor its meat, hide, anything. That is why I also don'tdisagree with furs, leather, etc. If the animal that waskilled was also eaten, then I have no issue.

We need to learn to be more like, for example, the Native Americans whowould kill an animal and use literally every part of thatanimal.
I kind of mis interpert. what I amtrying to say. What I hear now these day, they abuse animals so we canwear their furs. But in reality we eat everyspecies of animals on this planet.Example. bugs, squirrel, giraffe, zebra, lion,hippo, rhino, buffalos, dogs, cats, birds, waterfowls, mice, rat,frogs, gator, bears, seal, seal lions, whales, rabbit, goat, sheep,cattles, ox, yax, antelopes, big horn sheep, dall sheep, opposum,armadillo, tapir, anteater, monkeys, pigs, crab, squid, octopus, fish,crayfish,guniea pig,chicken, turkey, geese, elephant, wolf,coyotoe,horses, leopard, cheetah, tiger, shark, dolphin,snake, lizard,turtle etc.
I understand that we are born and bredcarnivores but still, people wearing animals fur just to "lookgood" we weren't supposed to do that. :nonono:Ialso detest people who hunt just for the adrenelin , "oh yes killinganimals that havent done anything to you......what fun!:pssd:

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