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Crazy... my foster buns went nutzo around 0100hrs. this morning. That'd be pretty close to 0400 eastern time, wouldn't it? I wonder if they sensed it all the way over here.

I must say I enjoy earthquakes and huge storms though... Probably came from my dad's genes; he sat on the front step eating cold pizza while the '89 earthquake was happening. Bo B - we could go chase tornados together :biggrin2:


My son wants to be a meteorologist! LOL!

We were just down at the barn. SIL was supposed to ride my horse today (we're still training him) and she forgot. I lunged him and Lexi rode pokie and both were all sweaty. So, it's nice out - we gave them baths........ and something spooked them. They acted really strange at one point - we wondered if it wasn't another shock.

I also remembered that about 1/2 hour or so before the Earthquake, Sydney our dog, was growling real low and her hair was straight up on her back. Hubby tried to calm her before he left for work but she just kept growling over nothing.....
slavetoabunny wrote:
Everyone was so used to earthquakes when I lived in California that we didn't even look up from our computer monitors for anything less than a 5. I worked on the top floor of a 9-story building that was on rollers. The movement would would make you dizzy!
Boy, are you right about that! I feel smaller earthquakes now and then at night, and just fall back asleep. Any weird vibration, and we assume it's an earthquake. We're overdue for a "big one" right now, so I have a feeling we'll have something happen soon (working hard to be sure we have enough carriers for everyone, and have some sort of emergency plan), but otherwise, we just go with the flow. I don't mind the swaying's the really BAM! jolting ones that bother me.

Oh, and my first job ever was in a 6-story building on rollers. It took me WEEKS to get used to the dizzying feeling of the rollers, and the almost-constant movement! Especially when I was in the elevator! Very weird...
I remember one time we were interviewing a lady that was new to California for a job. During the interview, we had a little shaker. None of us Cali people missed a beat, but this lady turned white, clutched her purse and looked ready to bolt! She didn't get the job.

The only time I sorta freaked out was when they had a pretty big shake out in the desert....October 2002 or 2003? I remember it derailed a train. Anyway, my husband was out of town and I woke up about 3:00 a.m. to the bed shaking. My first thought was "who is jumping on the bed" and I actually looked to see if someone was. I then realized "earthquake!!". I jumped out of bed and started to run to the front door to exit the house, realized I was naked, ran back to the bedroom and threw on my nightshirt and then ran out into the front yard. By the time I got there, it was over. The whole thing only lasted about 30 seconds! Thinking back, it was kind of fun.
maherwoman wrote:
working hard to be sure we have enough carriers for everyone, and have some sort of emergency plan
Do you keep pillowcases handy in case you need to make a really fast exit? Not the ideal solution, but it would be a lot faster in case of a serious emergency. I also keep a duffle bag packed with basic rabbit supplies to grab if we have an emergency. The rule around my house is "get the rabbits first"; everything else is expendable.

LOL!! I can imagine!!

I remember when I was still pregnant with Emily (so, late '99), there was that huge one that happened near Joshua Tree...that we could feel with stunning clarity where I was living in Paramount. Oh man...I was UNDER that doorway in an INSTANT! But I was worried, because I was VERY pregnant (Em was 9lbs 14oz, so I was HUGE), and I not only filled the doorway, but my belly went past the I backed up to protect my belly, hehe!

It's funny the things we do during an earthquake...

But yeah...working in a building on rollers...that was really feels so similar to when you're about to pass out...that vertigo-type feeling...'s been interesting living here...hehe!

Hugs to you guys going through this stuff for the first time! I know it's scary, but try not to worry too much, ok? Just keep track of your home and check for cracks...and remind yourself that things will be okay...:) Thankfully, earthquakes don't last too long, and yes, the aftershocks might last a few days, but they're so much smaller than the original quake. :)

I woke up at 4:30ish this morning and thought I heard the garbage truck drive through the area. I was like "WTF! Why would they do that so early!" Turns out I probably heard the earthquake. I haven't felt any aftershocks though. My little cousin in Indiana had her whole bed move in her room last night. She was really freaked out!

Animals had to have known earlier. Last night, Latte was hunkered down in the back of his cage in a box and WOULD NOT come out. This morning, there was pee in his cage so he must have really been scared. My poor babies.
maherwoman wrote:
LOL!! I can imagine!!

I remember when I was still pregnant with Emily (so, late '99), there was that huge one that happened near Joshua Tree...that we could feel with stunning clarity where I was living in Paramount.
Good grief, was it 1999? That's the one I was talking about. I lived in Huntington Beach. That was a whopper!!

slavetoabunny wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
working hard to be sure we have enough carriers for everyone, and have some sort of emergency plan
Do you keep pillowcases handy in case you need to make a really fast exit? Not the ideal solution, but it would be a lot faster in case of a serious emergency. I also keep a duffle bag packed with basic rabbit supplies to grab if we have an emergency. The rule around my house is "get the rabbits first"; everything else is expendable.
SMART THINKING!! Not only that, but pillowcases are a lot cheaper than carriers, lol! Yeah, we'll do that...and do the duffelbag full of basics, too. Thanks for the ideas! :)

I should probalby incorporate the Disaster Preparedness thread from the Library in this. Many thanks to Ali for thinking of creating it! :)
slavetoabunny wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
LOL!! I can imagine!!

I remember when I was still pregnant with Emily (so, late '99), there was that huge one that happened near Joshua Tree...that we could feel with stunning clarity where I was living in Paramount.
Good grief, was it 1999? That's the one I was walking about. I lived in Huntington Beach. That was a whopper!!
Yep! That was late 99...and the only reason I remember when that was is due to my being preggy with Emily! Hehe!

Good grief! You felt that all the way in Huntington?! Wooooww.....
You know what is weird? I had just moved to West Hollywood in '99 and didn't feel that Joshua Tree quake at all - yet slavetobunny could feel it even farther away in Hunington Beach?.. Strange.. When I heard about this earthquake today - I'm thinking - great this probably is going to trigger a huge one in CA, soon.. Must get organized.

Also, happy that it seems everyone walked away without to much damage in the MidWest and glad to know that buns don't seem to have a problem with them..
slavetoabunny wrote:
{{SIGH}} The two things I miss most about California are the earthquakes and live high speed pursuits.

One thing you can take to heart about the high speed pursuits...they don't show them as much anymore. I remember how I'd be working, and everyone would disappear...and I'd discover them all in the breakroom watching a chase...oh my goodness! LOL...

But yeah, that one in Joshua Tree was one of those JOLTING ones...not a nice, rolling wave like most others are. I don't mind the rocking, rolling ones...they're actually kinda neat. But those jolters...they scare the poop outta me! did you miss that one? Lol...I'm kidding, it's okay...I know others that missed it, too...slept right through it! Lol!! What we Californians will sleep through!! LOL!!
Heh... Very shortly after 10 am (I'd say between 10 and 10:03), my one bird again fell off her perch; this time, she didn't panic much because it was daylight. But the throught crossed my mind: Could she be reacting to an after-shock?

Just now on the nightly news, I learned of the after-shock occurring shortly after 10 am. I'll be darned.... Holly felt effects both times; I felt squat. :?
Jenk wrote:
Heh... Very shortly after 10 am (I'd say between 10 and 10:03), my one bird again fell off her perch; this time, she didn't panic much because it was daylight. But the throught crossed my mind: Could she be reacting to an after-shock?

Just now on the nightly news, I learned of the after-shock occurring shortly after 10 am. I'll be darned.... Holly felt effects both times; I felt squat. :?
My first thought in reading this...

It must feel really funky having your little feetsies vibrating like that...hehe!

Poor birdie...:hug:
We aren't used to the quakes but what is worse is that since we don't get them often, we aren't set up for them. Our buildings wouldn't survive most likely, our bridges are better, but not super quake proof.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
We aren't used to the quakes but what is worse is that since we don't get them often, we aren't set up for them. Our buildings wouldn't survive most likely, our bridges are better, but not super quake proof.

Absolutely Pennie!!!I can understand your fear. I remember my first quake after I moved to California. The fortunate thing is that this is an anomoly for you. You will most likely have lesser aftershocks for the next few days. They are scarey, but will continue to fade out.

Stay safe!!!
Ooh I have only been through one quake and SEVERAL unnoticable aftershocks but I will never forget the day I felt an earthquake.

We had just moved into our house, well when we moved from Auburn, WA to Rochester, WA, we brough our mobile with us, and it's oldd! Anyway, my mom was folding laundry and I was coloring something to send in to a coloring book company saying how I'd love more pictures of horses to colour, lol, and all of a sudden it felt like this HUGE monster-ginormous truck went by and my mom was coming down the hallway (after folding and putting away my laundry - I was only 8 ;) ) and she had to hold onto the walls, the house moved so much! She just yelled EARTHQUAKE and me and my sister made a mad scramble for the table and she joined us....

It was FREAKY! Let me tell you. It lasted about 30 seconds, and it was a 6.5. After that, I got all my belongings and stayed under the table for about an Oh and one of my glass dolls - my favourite one by the way - broke during the quake, but that was it.

Then the next morning at like 4 in the morning, we had a 4.something aftershock. I didn't feel it, though.


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