Earl Grey is my bunny-boy

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New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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Tucson, Arizona, USA
Greetings from Tucson, AZ! I'm new to the forum, was invited by Amy ("undergunfire" on this forum). I'm going to explore the site now and may be back later. I have a 6 year old male mini-lopwho has been my house rabbit companion since he was 6 months old. He's such a tough little guy! Very cute! We are dealing with a jaw abscessright now. Hopefully he will fight it off. He's really healthy otherwise. He's spoiled.OK, more later! Best wishes to all rabbits and rabbit people!
Hey Carol, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear you're dealing with an abcess. Have you been to a vet? He'll probably need some antibiotics, possibly even surgery:(. You should post in the infirmary section of the forum so some folks that have dealt with abcesses can help you.

Again, welcome to the forum!

Hey, welcome to RO:)

Sorry to hear that your buns not very well, hope he gets better soon

Id love to see some pics

Look forward to chatting

Hi, and welcome to RO!:)My bunnies are Teacup and Kali. We were considering naming a bun (that is if we got a male bun) Earl Grey too.Since Earl Grey is a type of tea andtea goes with ateacup.

I'm so sorry to hear about the abscess!! Hope your bunny pulls though!!! (I'm sure he will) :p

Hey Carol! I am so glad that you signed onto our forum! There is sooo much to learn here. I think you will really enjoy this place.

You can share stories of Earl in a bunny blog :D.

You can read and see pictures of Marlin, my 16 week old Lionhead, here:

I can't wait to start chatting with you on the forum! We now have 4 active AZ members on here, and I am so thrilled :biggrin2:.

- Amy
Hi All, Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes, I have been working with a vet, the rabbit specialist in Tucson. I've been injecting Earl with bicillin-penicillin for about three weeks now and it seems to be helping. We're going in for a follow-up in the morning.

Have Fun with all the Buns!!!


Don't forget to start posting around on the forum and being active ;). I would love for you to start a "Bunny Blog" for Earl :biggrin2:.
Welcome to RO!

I'm sorry Earl has a jaw abscess, good luck in treating it, I hope he can be well again soon.

We need some pictures of the little man! :cool:

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~
Yay! Another from Az :). Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Best of luck with the jaw abscess :( Sending:hugsquish: your way.

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