Ear Wax

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New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Carson, California, USA
I have taken thumper to the vet for multiple earcleaning's, vet says it's not mites, but says that some buns have teethproblems and some have ear problems, it is not an infection. Vet gaveme meds to help keep wax production down between cleanings. seems to behelping,but would like it to go away SOON. ;)Any advice orhelp would be appreciated.

Thanks, frustrated quarterthumper
One of my rabbit has an issue with earwax build-up. The vet gave me some drops that is also effective formites, but will break up ear wax. Eradimite is the name ofthe drops, and I only need to treat him once in a great while--everycouple of months. What's the name of the treatment your vetprescribed to you?

My dog used to have really bad, smelly build upin her ears...all I can suggest is daily cleaning and eventually itwill clear itself up....sorry you've gotta do thisthough...doesThumper seem to be in pain from it?
