EAR PROBLEM - Flemish Giant Baby

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New Member
Mar 8, 2005
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, Washington, USA
I just got a new Flemish for a pet, but I didn'tnotice until day 2 that he never moves hs right ear atall. No matter what his mood - he never changes it. His other earis constantly up and alert.

A few times it seemed as though his ear was boethering him (he shook his head a little and jumped as though he were spooked).

Other tha that, he seems normal- eating, drinking, lively, curious, and a sweetheart.

HELP anyone? :shock:
Welcome. How old is he? Did whoever you get himfrom mention any type of problem? When you look in the right ear, whatdo you see?

I had a two month old Flemish doe that for a while couldn't lift one ear. She had to gain control of the muscles.

Shaking his head the way you described sounds like ear mites. Here's alink about earmites.http://www.mybunny.og/info/mites.pdf

It could even be that somehow he recieved an injury that damaged themucle or cartilige and that's why he's not moving it. It could a lot ofdifferent things.

I would have to say your best bet would be to have a rabbit savvy vet look at him.


bjhahnel wrote:
A few times it seemed as though his ear was boethering him (he shook his head a little and jumped as though he were spooked).
Could very well be ear mites, so you should check it out.However, my bun Cosmo flicks his head and jumps in the air, so your buncould just be doing a binky (jump for joy)....but the fact that hedoesn't move that ear does seem strange...I'd go to the vet!

The shaking and jump can also be a binky thing. If his ear is fine, he's just happy.

Bo shakes his ears a lot. (Half binky) and sometimes willshake and jump... it's usually when I am playing *gonna get the bunny*with him :)
Cosmo binkies most when I notice he is restlessin his cage so I let him out in the early morning (6:00 thismorning)....he'll chase after me and flick his head and wag histail! hehe so cute
Thanks guys!! I'll check for mites and have a Vet take a look.

His little jump could be a happy jump. He is playful. :D
Let us know! You can look down in his ears and see if there is any black goo or scabs which could be an indication of mites.

It would be a good idea to have the ear examinedfor ear mites or inner ear infection. It's hard to speculatewhy the ear is down. It's not unusual to see erect ears lopin hot temperatures (not the cause if the rabbit was raisedoutside). There may becongenitaldeformityof the supportive structure ofthe ear or ear muscles, or the rabbit may have suffered damage to theear muscles, nerves or tendons by being picked up by theears. A parasite (such as cutebrae larvae) could also havebeen the cause due to damaging muscle or nerves by burrowing at thebase of the ear (can rule that out if the rabbit is from a coldregion). An old injury, such as a deep cut in the area couldhave also damaged the supportive tissues.


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