E. Cuniculi: paralysis/treatment/special care questions(RIP Little Bunny)

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The only reason I said that , Hon , was that so advice didn't get all mixed up

I didn't mean it as an intrusion but if you had your own thread more people could read you own problems and respond ;)

I meant nothing more ;)

angieluv wrote:
The only reason I said that , Hon , was that so advice didn't get all mixed up

I didn't mean it as an intrusion but if you had your own thread more people could read you own problems and respond ;)

I meant nothing more ;)


hehe .... I was joking actually. :bunnydance::hugsquish:
I don't mind, Sha, but you will get more replies that way :)

Angie, she is on pain meds and she is under the care of a vet. I actually have been bringing her to work with me and the vet's been looking her over every day. Until yesterday she never responded and didn't seem painful with the sores being touch. She would respond if you touch her belly or her front paws, but absolutely nothing with the back end.

Last night she seems like she's finally able to feel SOMETHING back there.. which is encouraging, but of course I feel bad because it's going to be very painful. Last night and this morning she is actually using her right front paw again. I'm thrilled. Both front paws had been jutting out behind her, but now she's actually putting it forward, grooming it, trying to groom her face with it. I hope these new meds are getting through and eventually she'll regain use of at least her front paws (so that a cart could be helpful for her)
Oh thats great improvement. Happy to hear that n even impressed to know that you are such a great bunny owner. Can I know how did she actually had those sores? Was Angie paralysed first and then got the sores?
So do you think that she has previously not had feeling in her back legs? If so, it could be very bad if she starts to regain feeling there. I know you are doing the very best you can for her but regaining feeling in those very sore areas could make her suffering too great for it to be humane to keep her alive. HUGE hugs to you and that cutie-faced bunny.
Yes... she previously had no feeling in her hind legs or the area with the sores. Although I feel terrible that she's now uncomfortable, I am also hoping this means she may recover better than I hoped.
I added additional pain medications as she was clearly uncomfortable this morning. This seemed to alleviate her pain quite a bit and although I'm sure she's not pain free, it seems manageable. This morning she didn't want to eat, but after the pain medication she's back to her ravenous self.
I absolutely don't want her to be in pain, but I feel that we're controlling it well enough with two pain medications that it will be manageable so long as she continues to improve. She's a fighter..and so long as she's willing to eat, groom, and seek out attention, then I'll do what I can to keep her as comfortable as possible and hope that she heals.
She's actually using both of her front legs fairly well today. I supported her hind end and with effort she took several steps outside this afternoon. We kept it very brief, but she's sure trying.
I sent out some bloodwork and urine today for a Rabbit Neurologic Profile that will give me and E. Cuniculi titer, Liver and Kidney values (among other things) and a CBC. Hopefully this will give me more information and I can make sure she doesn't have anything else major going on that could impact her recovery.
I feel really strongly that she'll make it as long as we can keep her comfortable and she keeps eating so well. She's such a little fighter, it's unbelievable. She really wants to live..
Unfortunately little Bunny passed away this morning.
I gave her the pain medication and fed her, allowing it to take effect before I changed her bandages, hoping to minimize pain and stress. She was eating very well, but still making occasional groans. I waited about an hour before I attempted to change her bandages. I set her in my lap as I always do and unwrapped her bandages. She didn't seem extremely painful or stressed. I cleaned her very gently, just sprayed the cleaner on and dabbed it off. I took a picture as I've been trying to record it so I have a better idea of how well/fast she's improving. Point being, I was not touching her, she was just laying there when she started to screech. She was opening her mouth wide and squealing repeatedly. I tried to comfort her, thinking she was stressed/in pain? I put her down on her blankets immediately and she wasn't really responsive. She continued to gasp, though the screeching had stopped. I tried to feel for a heartbeat and felt nothing. She was laying on her side no moving, and then the gasping stopped. She had a few spaced out gasps... no heartbeat. This all happened in about 45 seconds, though it seemed like forever.

I talked to the vet later on, though I was too upset to go into details, but she told me some of her bloodwork was back and that her kidney and liver values were normal, she was anemic, her WBC was a little low.. but nothing seemed extremely off. The E.Cuniculi titer is pending. Her urine was well concentrated and normal... I just don't know what happened.

I have been going through my mind trying to imagine what happened. She had some mucousy stool last night and this morning.. and I read about a disease that can cause this, but I don't know if that was really what the issue was as she did not have diarrhea and was eating extremely well. I wondered about blood clots due to her paralysis in the back legs. Yesterday one of her feet was swollen due to the way she laid on it the night before, so I wondered if she ended up cutting off some circulation in her legs causing a blood clot that then moved to her heart? I really don't know if that's even possible, just one of the many things I wondered about. I know that Buprenex can cause respiratory depression, but she had no trouble breathing until the screeching and gasping started... I also wondered if the E.Cuniculi itself caused damage to part of her brain leading to an issue with a major organ...

I just wish I had an answer... I hope it wasn't something I could have prevented.
I am sorry thatI didn't see this sooner. :(

Iam so sorry about Little Bunny:(

it's possible that she was in pain despite your efforts ;what a horrible thing for you to go through
I am sorry
it is not anything you did so don't blame yourself.....
I'm so sorry. It is possible that she had lots of pain and that caused her to go into shock or have a heart attack. Thank you for taking care of her while she was with you. You really did a good job in a difficult situation. Binky free, Little Bunny.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost her. :(It could indeed have been an embolism from venous blood pooling inher legs.

I'm glad she had you to comfort her in the end.

Oh gosh. I'm so sorry about Angie. For all we know .... she was really a fighter. N its really great that she was on ur lap when she died. At least you know that she wasn't alone facing all the pain. Its too bad that I am not an expert to give you answers but I'm sure you have done your best taking care of her. :hug:
:pink iris: Specially for angie...
I'm so very sorry about the loss of your bun - You truly did a heroic thing taking care of that poor bun -it was a blessing that her last moments were with someone who truly loved her. God bless you for taking care of one of His little ones. I had a bun die in my hands before and it is truly heart-wrenching.

binky-free little Angie
Thanks everyone..
I know Pam pointed out that an embolism was possible. I also talked to my sister who's in nursing school today and she agreed that an embolism could have been the cause of death. I'm just hoping that it was something like this and there wasn't anything I could have done to prevent it or see it coming... Also, I'm hoping that if this was the cause then perhaps she was relatively comfortable with the addition of the pain medication and it wasn't a long, stressful end for her.

I have spoken to the rescue group and they mentioned another rabbit in need with a head tilt if I'd be interested in fostering again. I decided to take the little guy, hoping this will be a more positive experience. He seems more stable and has been doing well at the rescue, so we'll see...